HR Top Priorities for 2024: Advance Your Organizational Results with Predictive Analytics

The Trust Quotient: From CEO to Entry Level, Trust Transforms Results

Best-in-Class Talent Management Analytics – The Irrefutable Business Case!

Best-in-class organizations rely on behavioral decision analytics to improve business results and increase competitiveness according to recent surveys and studies: McKinsey talent survey, IBM C-suite study, and Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2023. Harrison Assessments’ predictive behavioral analytics system offers innovative predictive analytics enabling organizations of all sizes and industries to adopt best practices and achieve […]

Lift the Cloud over Recruiters – Use Artificial Intelligence with Feeling!

Harrison Assessments Unlimited Monthly Screening Aptitude

Summary: Harrison Assessments has developed an AI recruiting solution for organizations whose recruiters are overwhelmed by the recruitment cloud of uncertainty and a storm of resumes. Efficient, cost-effective, and predictive, it is a no risk solution with an incredible ROI. Harrison Assessments AI recruiting solution with feeling has a value proposition that organizations with high volume recruiting cannot afford to miss.

The challenges recruiters face in sourcing and hiring the best talent is daunting, to say the least, especially with the Great Resignation putting added pressure on recruiters.  Sometimes they feel like a cloud of uncertainty hangs over their heads – uncertainty about the availability of qualified talent, uncertainty about their ability to attract them in a competitive market, uncertainty about their future talent needs and the ability to hire right in the present to meet those needs.

The Rise of Recruitment AI
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Accelerate Your Talent Future with Predictive Assessment!

Integrated Talent Management Requires Decision Analytics

Are you overwhelmed by the proliferation of HR-related technologies and analytics capabilities, as are many HR professionals? Like any disruptive technology, it takes time and commitment to sort through the possibilities, their benefits to the organization, appropriate talent strategies and effective implementation. Behavioral assessments are adapting to the new technologies but many assessment tools are simply that—resources to be utilized for narrow applications and specific needs. Change and innovation in the field are happening so fast that at times we need to just stop, evaluate processes/methodologies, and consider the ROI for adopting the new technologies and analytics.

Photo of Veronica Delgado

Universal Weather and Aviation: A Culture of Purpose

Texas Business Radio Interview: Sheryl Dawson on Talent Imperatives for Business Results!

Matt Register with Texas Business Radio interviews Sheryl Dawson, CEO Dawson Consulting Group on the pressing talent issues organizations face in an expanding economic environment.

Best-in-Class Talent Management Analytics – The Irrefutable Business Case!


Best-in-class organizations rely on behavioral decision analytics to improve business results and increase competitiveness according to recent surveys and studies: McKinsey talent survey, IBM C-suite study, and Deloitte Consulting research. Harrison Assessments’ 2019 system release offers innovative predictive analytics and enhanced talent management capabilities making it easier for organizations of all sizes and industries to adopt best practices and achieve their talent goals… Veronica Delgado, Sr. VP Global HR with Universal Weather and Aviation shared, “Harrison Assessments is integral to our strategic TM, succession planning and leadership development processes… In every application across the talent cycle, the ROI for Harrison Assessments is excellent.

Best-in-class organizations rely on behavioral decision analytics to improve business results and increase competitiveness according to recent surveys and studies: McKinsey talent survey1, IBM C-suite study2, and Deloitte Consulting research3. Harrison Assessments’ 2019 system release offers innovative predictive analytics and enhanced talent management capabilities making it easier for organizations of all sizes and industries to adopt best practices and achieve their talent goals. Whether your talent challenge is in recruitment, career development, succession planning, culture change or leadership and team development, Harrison Assessments has customizable and cost-effective integrated talent management solutions to meet your needs with a high ROI.
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Lift the Cloud over Recruiters – Use Artificial Intelligence with Feeling!

Harrison Assessments Unlimited Monthly Screening Aptitude

The challenges recruiters face in sourcing and hiring the best talent is daunting, to say the least.  Sometimes they feel like a cloud of uncertainty hangs over their heads – uncertainty about the availability of qualified talent, uncertainty about their ability to attract them in a competitive market, uncertainty about their future talent needs and the ability to hire right in the present to meet those needs.

The Rise of Recruitment AI
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More than a Data Point! Gain Predictive Analytics across the Talent Cycle

With literally thousands of assessments available, it is hard to know which to trust, how to use them, and how to evaluate the value of their data. Many personality and style indicators are popular for insight on employee differences and learning how leaders and team members can adapt to various styles for more effective relationships. But when it comes to hiring, development, and succession planning these popular tools and instruments are too limited to provide predictive value. Because many organizations have traditionally applied these tools beyond their intended purpose, leaders and recruiters are often skeptical of using any behavioral analytics! How can organizations avoid getting burned and find the right assessment for the right application when it comes to hiring, development and succession planning?

Keep Your Keepers! A Winning Talent Strategy for 2017 – Part 2

Advance Your Organization’s Success in 2017 – Implement EQ10!

10 Top Talent Strategies that Leverage “Engagement Intelligence”


In part one of Keep Your Keepers we covered fundamentals of integrated talent management and engagement. In part two we present the 10 winning talent strategies for success in any organization.

Extensive research has demonstrated that when organizations invest in the following ten talent management strategies they leverage “Engagement Intelligence” to achieve their business goals and WIN! I call these talent strategies EQ,sup>10:

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Keep Your Keepers! A Winning Talent Strategy for 2017 – Part 1

Build a Foundation of Integrated Talent Management that Drives Engagement!


As we embark on a promising new year, organizations are positioning talent strategies to meet their business goals. Regardless of the industry, achieving alignment of talent goals with business objectives is essential for strategic and organizational success. Foundational to effective talent management is an integrated approach that facilitates engagement. To effectively identify your organization’s top talent management priorities, it is crucial to understand your business strategy. Only then can talent management processes be aligned effectively to that strategy.
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Three Keys to Work Satisfaction

three keys to work satisfactionIt seems basic. If you like what you are doing it doesn’t feel so much like work. If you enjoy doing something you are more likely to continue doing it and do it well. So shouldn’t a personality assessment being used to measure job suitability include measuring work satisfaction?

Measuring work satisfaction is essential to determine motivation and forecast whether an individual will prosper, succeed and stay with the organization. Most behavioral and personality assessments fail to measure work satisfaction and are therefore limited to predicting personality.

Harrison Assessments’ twenty five plus years of research prove that employees who enjoy at least 75% or more of their job are three times more likely to succeed than employees who enjoy less than 75% of their job. Measuring factors related to work satisfaction makes it possible to predict job success and therefore hire, motivate and retain top talent.

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What do Gen X and Gen Y want in a job?

what do gen x and gen y want

Harrison Assessments International recognizes that as the population ages, the competition for attracting good, skilled Gen X and Gen Y employees heats up. Employers are finding that monetary rewards are not enough to attract and retain younger workers.

Jamie Gutfreund  of the Intelligence Group spends a great deal of time examining the differing motivations and preferences of the generations. Gutfreund (herself a member of Generation X) says it’s important to bear in mind that Xers were culturally different from the Baby Boom Generation that preceded them.

While boomers insisted on being heard by the world, “we [Xers] were a smaller generation [less than half the size of the boomer generation] who felt no one was listening to us,” she says. “We felt we had to fight” to have a voice, to make an impact, to earn a seat at the table of power.

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Suitability and Eligibility- The Win Win Candidate

Winning CandidateSuitability AND Eligibility.. The winning combination in HR that can help you find the win/win candidate.

Choosing the best candidate to recruit and hire is not an easy task. However, hiring right the first time can save you a lot of time and your company a lot of money. Today forward thinking companies are using HSM’s and new tools to choose the best candidates. A successful HR manager will use tools that focus on both “suitability AND eligibility” to attract and retain good candidates.

Some recruiters make the mistake of hiring people only for their qualifications, resulting in bad hires related to behavioral weaknesses.

Other recruiters make the mistake of over-emphasizing behavioral factors by eliminating people only on the basis of their behavioral assessments. Sometimes they even unfairly eliminate candidates based on a single behavioral factor. Behavioral assessments should be part of the overall assessment that includes qualifications such as experience, education, and skills. That’s why the Harrison system provides a unique eligibility assessment that complements the suitability assessment, providing an overall score for better hiring and succession planning.

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Psychological Traits of a Good White Collar Worker

psychological traits of a good white collar worker

Psychological Traits of a Good White Collar Worker

Baby Boomers remember the old days that had set working hours. You went to work and then around five p.m., you packed up your stuff and went home. If there were an emergency you might stay until five-thirty.

Those days are gone! White-collar work, sometimes called Knowledge Work, is never done. Your immediate To Do list might have twenty items on it, but right behind the immediate To Do list is a supplemental To Do list with another forty action items on it and after that list is done, there’s a third one waiting.

Most white collar workers today need to be able to work autonomously (that big college word for trusted to work on your own and get it done without supervision). And yet, they also need to be able to work cohesively as part of a team when the need arises.

But not all white collar jobs are created equal.
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Robo Advising HR

Robo Advising HRCylon Centurion
Robo Advising HR

Algorithms seem to be the hot topic and “Robo Advising” is one of the newest fads. Algorithms are used for predicting everything from the weather, sports, economic indicators, and financial data to who is the best person to date? Trying to predict behavior is nothing new, people in ancient times used oracles, fortune tellers and crystal balls. Today’s technology uses algorithms and the new age of “robo advising” has begun.

According to an Algorithm is: a set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps, as for finding the greatest common divisor.

Even though Algorithm’s are sometimes used in place of a human being, hence the term “robo advisor”, they are ultimately just a very powerful tool that needs to be used with care by human beings in order to accurately predict successful outcomes.

So is there a Robo Advising HR that can choose the right person to hire?

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Missing a Step in the Hiring Process

missing a step in hiring process

Missing a Step in the Hiring Process

You place an opening on a job board to find the professional employee. This is considered time and money well spent since the position you are filling takes skill and requires a substantial amount of training and investment.

But what do you do with the applicants? How do you know from the resume and their references that they are the right fit for your job? Many past employers are afraid of the legal ramifications of indicating that a person did not work out in the job. Or, they may have an incentive to have you take this bad hire off their hands so they may stretch the truth in order to push the exit.

One of the next steps is typically to choose the top 5-10 and then interview. However, you are “missing a step” in the process.
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A Good Weapon to Use in the War for Talent

War for Talent

A Good Weapon to Use in the War for Talent

Companies today are constantly in a war for talent. Identifying the right targets and having the ability to capture them is essential to winning. We are looking for the innovative leaders of tomorrow and the competition is stiff.

Gone are the days of high unemployment and applicants banging down your door just to get an application. Job boards and matching sites are furiously searching for qualified candidates to post their resumes. Companies are competing against each other to find and attract good candidates.

It is imperative for hiring managers and recruiters to fully understand what truly appeals to the candidates in order to attract and retain the best people.
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The Best Kept Secret in Talent Management!


Harrison Assessments

Is improving engagement and retention a top priority in your organization? An analytics system that facilitates better hiring and promotion decisions at every level and enables leaders to more effectively onboard, coach and mentor their employees can dramatically impact your results. At the same time, preparing your talent to advance requires effective behavioral assessment. The best kept secret in talent management is that now one system can meet each of these crucial needs!
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