Dr. Mark Taylor, Columbia University, Author of Crisis on Campus: A Bold Plan for Reforming Our Colleges and Universities

Mark_Taylo_picDr. Mark Taylor, a professor at Columbia University, is the author of Crisis on Campus: A Bold Plan for Reforming Our Colleges and Universities.  Taylor characterizes American higher education as expensive, wasteful, and archaic.  He calls for reforms like:

  • Eliminating tenure;
  • Restructuring departments for interdepartmental cooperation;
  • Emphasizing teaching rather than rarified research;
  • Creating global networks;
  • Developing partnerships among institutions, private and public, for profit and not-for-profit.

As a nation, we fail to make such necessary and sweeping changes, at our peril.  Like other bubbles that have burst, this one will devastate our economy and global competitiveness.

For more from Dr. Mark Taylor, listen to the entire show.

Dr. Richard Miller, President of Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering on Transforming the Future of Engineering

Miller HIResDr. Richard Miller is an award winning educator and leader in reinventing engineering education. Olin College of Engineering is transforming the field of engineering to meet the global challenges in energy, clean water, health care and cyber security. Dr. Miller shares Olin’s interdisciplinary and experiential learning model designed to better prepare engineers. By blending engineering, entrepreneurship and liberal arts, Olin has intensified student and faculty engagement, and produced graduates who are entrepreneurs as well as engineers. By their fourth year, students are actually consulting on real business problems and creating solutions that are viable and desirable, as well as feasible.

For more from Dr. Richard Miller, listen to the entire show or visit www.olin.edu.

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