Dan Woolley, Relief Worker and Author of Unshaken: Rising from the Ruins of Haiti’s Hotel Montana

Dan - HeadshotDan Woolley, a relief worker for Compassion International and author of Unshaken: Rising from the Ruins of Haiti’s Hotel Montana, tells his incredible story of survival. Buried in utter darkness under tons of rubble for 65 hours, Dan emerged a changed person. One year after the devastating quake, Unshaken is currently the only first-person account by a survivor. The experience changed Woolley’s outlook on family, relationships, work and life. Dan’s compelling story is one that resonates with people of all backgrounds who experience hardships. Regardless of your career or life challenges, his story poignantly demonstrates how important it is to take each breath with purpose.

For more from Dan Woolley, listen to the entire show on Monday, January 25, 2011, at 12pm PST/9am CST, visit danwooley.net, or watch the video of his rescue.

Bill Conaty, Former Senior Vice President of Human Resources for GE and Co-Author of The Talent Masters

Conaty Bill picA world leader in Human Resources, Bill Conaty engineered the leadership development programs for GE as Senior Vice President for 14 years. He is the co-author of The Talent Masters: Why Smart Leaders put People Before Numbers. Talent is the only competency that endures, while financial results, market share, brand, and products all undergo changes from external pressures.  Leaders able to assess the risks to take and those to avoid can ensure long term success. Conaty shares 7 principles for developing world-class leaders:

  • How to create a culture of leadership development
  • How to ensure smooth succession
  • How to ensure talent assessment is objective rather than subjective

For more from Bill Conaty, listen to the entire show.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Leadership Consultant Margaret Morford on Navigating Office Politics for Career Success

Morford, Margaret pic 2010Margaret Morford is an organizational consultant, trainer, speaker, and author of leadership books including The Hidden Language of Business: Workplace Politics, Power & Influence.  A former attorney and human resource executive, Morford addresses how to navigate office politics regardless of your position and background for career success. Learn inside intelligence to:

  • Advance in your workplace;
  • Avoid common missteps that undermine success;
  • Apply positive political skills;
  • Maximize career advancement.

Margaret’s razor-sharp insights help identify who has real power and influence in your organization and how to develop your own career plan to achieve your goals.

For more from Margaret Morford, listen to the entire show on Monday, January 10, 2011, at 12pm EST/9am PST, or visit www.thehredge.net.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Dr. James Maas, Professor and Bestselling Author, and Consultant Rebecca Robbins on Sleep for Success

Dr Jim Maas sm4 10Rebecca Robbins biopx Dr. James Maas is a professor of psychology at Cornell University, where he holds the world’s record for having taught more than 65,000 college students. Rebecca Robbins is the co-founder, with Dr. Maas, of the Sleep for Success consulting firm. Together they discuss everything you must know about sleep, but are too tired to ask! Learn how to accomplish more in less time with less stress and greater health. Executives, professionals, students, parents, athletes, children and senior citizens can improve their lives and performances literally overnight by

  • Developing excellent sleep habits;
  • Getting 8 or more hours of sleep each night;
  • Managing time better;
  • Taking power naps.

For more from Dr. James Maas and Rebecca Robbins, listen to the entire show or visit www.sleepforsuccess.info.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.


Chad Hennings, Three-Time Super Bowl Winner and Author of Rules of Engagement, on Achieving Success that Counts

Hennings_ChadChad Hennings is a three-time Super Bowl winner with the Dallas Cowboys, an Air Force fighter pilot, a businessman and the author of Rules of Engagement. In all of the roles he has played, he has seen that the persistent go-it-alone myth in our society traps individuals from connecting with others in meaningful ways. Chad shares the lessons he has learned from personal and professional challenges that will make a difference in people’s lives and tear down the walls that separate people from each other and their true selves. With the foundation of character, vision, and work ethic, he lays out a comprehensive game plan to engage every aspect of life, work, and relationships for true success.

For more from Chad Hennings, listen to the entire show or visit www.chadhennings.com.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Captain Scotty Smiley, Author of Hope Unseen: The Story of the U.S. Army’s First Blind Active-Duty Officer

SmileyScottyCaptain Scotty Smiley, a West Point graduate, Ranger, and the Army’s only active-duty blind officer, lost his sight in a suicide bomber attack in Iraq. He shares his remarkable journey of faith, hope and courage. Since his injury, he has climbed Mount Rainier, surfed, skied, skydived, completed a triathlon and earned an MBA from Duke University.  He is a recipient of a Bronze Star, a Purple Heart, and the Army’s prestigious MacArthur Leadership Award.  His inspiring story demonstrates the qualities that enable one to succeed even after a major loss or trauma. His encouragement brings good news to anyone struggling with life’s challenges.

For more from Scotty Smiley, listen to the entire show.

Ten Steps to Hit the Ground Running in Career Advancement!

Ken & Sheryl Dawson present their proven 10-step process to advance your career. The Dawsons share their unique approach found in their time tested product, Job Search: The Total System. The most powerful concept they present is the linkage of all 10 steps. The assessment of your skills and competencies is linked to the development of your resume. The resume is linked to your references, networking, and of course interviewing. Your research on industries, companies and opportunities is linked to lead generation, interviewing and negotiations. The most important link of all is your positive attitude in every single step! When you use linkage and project a positive attitude, you build psychological leverage, ensuring you are better prepared to win the offer and advance your career.

For more from Ken and Sheryl Dawson visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com or listen to the entire show.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Secrets to Getting a Job NOW!

Ken & Sheryl Dawson present proven techniques to secure a better job for better pay and a better life. In an economic downturn, people of all backgrounds and most industries are finding job searches very challenging. The Dawsons share their secrets to beating your competition:

  • Adopt the Cycle of Success, including positive attitude, linkage of all steps, and building psychological leverage;
  • Research the market for niche opportunities, being open to contingency options;
  • Assess your strengths, passion, accomplishments in light of market realities;
  • Draft an A+ resume that differentiates you;
  • Network online and face-to-face;
  • Prepare to interview using linkage of your resume, research, references, and review of the tough questions;
  • Negotiate your value!

For more from the Dawsons, listen to the entire show or visit www.totalcareersuccess.com.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Melinda Doolittle, American Idol Star and Author of Beyond Me: Finding Your Way to Life’s Next Level

smallDoolittle_MelindaMelinda Doolittle, American Idol star, recording artist and author of Beyond Me,  has skyrocketed to fame since her appearance on American Idol. She shares her secrets to finding her way to the next level:

  • Invest in others;
  • Work hard to realize your dream;
  • Listen to the wisdom of others;
  • Be prepared;
  • Be open to criticism and release offenses;
  • Face your fears and do it anyway.

Tone deaf as a child, her love of singing drove her to enter a talent show in the 7th grade, and miraculously, she stunned the audience with her spot-on vocals and beautiful voice. Melinda is an excellent model of how success is achieved – by faith and hard work. Be inspired to attain your next level.

For more from Melinda Doolittle, listen to the entire show or visit melindadoolittle.com.

Lynn O’Shaughnessy, Author of The College Solution, on Shrinking the cost of college!

lynn-300Lynn O’Shaughnessy is the author of The College Solution: Shrinking the Cost of College, a college contributor for US News & World Report, and blogger for CBSMoneyWatch and TheCollegeSolutionBlog. For years, college tuition has been increasing faster than inflation, with the most expensive colleges costing $50,000 annually. Learn how to get cash for yourself or your college-bound child:

  • Save tens of thousands of dollars by identifying the financial fingerprint of colleges
  • Discover 60 colleges that offer the best financial aid packages
  • Attend out-of-state public universities for in-state prices
  • Discover why expensive schools can be cheaper than your home state universities
  • Tap into the biggest source of scholarship cash.

For more from Lynn O’Shaughnessy, listen to the entire show on Monday, August 30, at 12pm EST/9am PST, or visit thecollegesolutionblog.com.

Leigh Anne & Sean Tuohy, Authors of In a Heartbeat: Sharing the Power of Cheerful Giving, as Portrayed in the Movie The Blind Side

Sean_LeighAnne_HResLeigh Anne and Sean Tuohy are the inspiring couple featured in the Oscar-nominated movie The Blind Side: The Story of Michael Oher.  Authors of In a Heartbeat, they share their extraordinary journey of faith and love with unforgettable lessons about the power of giving. The Tuohys’ deeply inspiring story of a family that makes giving a way of life and the huge blessings that decision has brought to them, demonstrates the ways we can all make a difference in our own communities. Just a few of the lessons in generosity from the Tuohys include:

  • If you can’t give something big, give something small
  • When you receive something, give part of it away
  • Generosity starts at home.

For more from the Tuohys, listen to the entire show Monday, August 16, 2010, at 12pm EST/9am PST.

Donna Fenn, Author of UpSTARTS! How GenY Entrepreneurs are Rocking the World of Business and 8 Ways You Can Profit from Their Success

Donna_Fenn_HiDonna Fenn is a contributing editor to Inc. Magazine and an expert on the entrepreneurial habits of Gen Y. Learn how eight key factors contribute to Gen Y business success:

  • Building collaborative tribes
  • Deploying technology for competitive advantage
  • Disrupting the status quo
  • Deconstructing the Gen Y market
  • Generating branding buzz
  • Leveraging social mission
  • Creating dynamic workplaces
  • Morphing and growing strategically.

Whether you’re studying Gen Y’s approach to business to beef up your bottom line or aiming to be tomorrow’s great under-30 entrepreneur story, these concepts and steps will help get your business out in front of the pack.

For more from Donna Fenn, listen to the entire show Monday, August 9, 2010, at 12pm EST/9am PST or visit www.donnafenn.com.

portrait of Paula Caligiuri

Work Psychologist Dr. Paula Caligiuri on How to Get a Life by Doing What You Love

Paula Caligiuri -smallPaula Caligiuri is a work psychologist, professor of human resource management and the author of Get a Life, Not a Job, and is a leading expert in global career development. Paula shares strategies for career fulfillment, including:

  • Spending more time on enjoyable work;
  • Identifying long term career choices to match your skills and passions;
  • Transforming your current job;
  • Becoming “lay-off” proof;
  • Defining wealth-building activities;
  • Building an inspiring and financially secure career.

By continually developing yourself for activities you personally desire, you achieve a freedom to pursue multiple career options simultaneously. Redesign your career for real financial freedom.

For more from Dr. Paula Caligiuri, listen to the entire show on Monday, July 26, at 12pm EST/9am PST, or visit www.paulacaligiuri.com.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Tamara Erickson, Organizational Consultant, on Plugged In: The Generation Y Guide to Thriving at Work

TErickson_picOrganizational consultant Tamara Erickson provides a valuable guidebook for the newcomers to the workforce -Generation Y, the 15 – 31 age cohort — who are entering in large numbers. Tammy gives Gen Y’s the information they crave to connect at work and to craft the lives they want. Sher reveals a framework Y’s can use to develop their own criteria for making career choices, how X’ers and Boomers view Generation Y, and the top 10 rules that can help Gen Y’s succeed in the corporate world. Tammy shares how Gen Y’s can use their unique strengths to understand and influence their professional relationships and to find their way in the changing workplace.

For more from Tamara Erickson, listen to the entire show on Monday, July 12, 2010, at 12pm EST/9am PST, or visit www.tammyerickson.com.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Col. Timothy J. Geraghty, USMC (Ret.), Author of Peacekeepers at War

Author photo_PICTURE head-1Col Tim Geraghty, USMC (Ret.), author of Peacekeepers at War, shares his gripping account of the October 23, 1983 suicide truck bombings that killed 241 US Marines in their barracks at the Beirut International Airport, as well as 58 French paratroopers two miles away. In this long-awaited book, the Marine commander of the U.S. Multinational Peacekeeping Force that was destroyed by terrorists in Lebanon tells his story and reminds us on this July 4th weekend, that our fight for freedom is ongoing.

For more from Col. Tim Geraghty, listen to the entire show.

Tamara Erickson, Organizational Consultant and Author of What’s Next Gen X?

TErickson_picTamara Erickson, organizational consultant and author of What’s Next, Gen X?: Keeping Up, Moving Ahead, and Getting the Career You Want, says members of Generation X—the 30-to-44 age cohort—have drawn the short stick at work. The economy has been stacked against them from the beginning. She lays out a powerful framework for shaping a satisfying, meaningful career, revealing how GenXers can:

  • Use their unique capabilities to become effective leaders
  • Identify work that matches their passion
  • Succeed in a corporate career or independently
  • Spot and seize newly emerging professional opportunities.

Tammy helps you decide what you want and shows how to get it.

    For more from Tamara Erickson, listen to the entire show or visit www.tammyerickson.com.

    To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

    photo of Tom Anastasi

    Dr. Tom Anastasi, Author of Successful Entrepreneur: American Dream Done Right

    Tom Anastasi photoTom Anastasi, author of The Successful Entrepreneur: American Dream Done Right, lays out a roadmap to minimize risk and maximize success. Unemployment is causing many to consider hanging out their own shingle. Tom guides the new entrepreneur through four phases to success:

    1. Start Up covers research on product viability, budgeting, and start-up capital
    2. Being the Boss offers valuable advice on employment issues and leadership styles
    3. Sales and Marketing explains pricing, marketing strategies on a budget, and effective sales
    4. Years Two to Five addresses signs of trouble, getting through tough times, and selling the business.

    For more from Tom Anastasi, listen to the entire show or visit tomanastasi.com.

    To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

    David and Wendy Ulrich, Authors of The Why of Work: How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations


    In The Why of Work: How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations, business professor and management consultant David Ulrich and psychologist Wendy Ulrich share how leaders can create meaning for themselves and value for employees, customers, investors and communities.  Drawing from their unique backgrounds and disciplines, the Ulrichs demonstrate that meaning matters and that it is part of an effective and successful leadership agenda.  Instead of focusing only on maximizing profit, they show how injecting meaning – answering the “why?” question – into business and leadership can:

    • Increase a business’ value for customers, investors and employees
    • Increase engagement and retention
    • Increase productivity
    • Increase customer focus
    • Improve skills and competencies
    • Increase an organization’s potential for growth
    • Create abundant organizations that thrive

    For more from David Ulrich and Wendy Ulrich, listen to the entire show or visit www.daveulrich.com.

    Career Advancement Strategies in a Tough Economy

    Are you having to do more with less? Is work more intense and do you feel like you are working your fingers to the bones? We’ll share insights on dealing with the impact of the recession, as well as job search and career advancement strategies to get to the next level even in a tough economy. Learn how to:

    • Be more efficient and effective after a restructuring or layoff
    • Embrace and add value to your situation
    • Adapt to change in order to grow professionally
    • Develop an entrepreneurial perspective and/or become independent contractor
    • Be a “one-percenter” and build a cycle of success.

    Thousands have successfully used our proven techniques to make their dream jobs or careers realities. If you’re looking for a better job, with better pay so you can enjoy a better life, go to www.betterjobbetterlife.com, and receive 7 free videos that will jumpstart your future starting today!

    For more, check out Job Search: The Total System or visit www.totalcareersuccess.com.

    Keith Ferrazzi and His Breakthrough Program on Relationships that Won’t Let You Fail!

    Keith Ferrazzi imageKeith Ferrazzi is the New York Times‘ #1 bestselling author of Who’s Got Your Back: The Breakthrough Program to Build Deep, Trusting Relationships That Create Success–and Won’t Let You Fail. No one is a self-made success. Keith adapts methodologies of the most successful behavioral change programs to provide a do-it-yourself blueprint for creating relationships and a support structure that separate the great from the good. With a 9-step action plan for creating relationships that help you learn, change and achieve your goals, Keith gives you the tools to achieve your dreams. Whether seeking to advance your career, expand your business, or find a new job, these techniques will enable you to succeed. This is not another self-help book, but the first ‘let others help’ book!

    For more from Keith Ferrazzi, listen to the entire show or visit www.keithferrazzi.com.