Career Navigation System…Not the Typical Career Assessment!
The Harrison Career Assessment is based on 25+ years of experience in career testing technology and job success research. A self-navigated and personalized interactive online technology provides predictive insight into career enjoyment and career success for more than 700 careers.
The online questionnaire is available in 26 languages and is used world-wide by career/job seekers, career coaches, educational institutions, and corporations. The 25-minute work preference and career questionnaire measures 175 characteristics including interests, task preferences, motivations, work values, work environment preferences, and interpersonal preferences.
Career Navigation System

Screen shot of introductory video:
Once you complete the questionnaire and enter the easy-to-use, self-directed Career Navigation portal, you can watch 3 overview videos for tips on how best to use your career reports to make wise career/job decisions.
The videos explain how to:
- sort careers by education levels and ranked in order according to your likes and dislikes, and (Sample Career Options Report)
- utilize the interactive Career Options Report to select your top preferred careers (Sample Career Options Report)
- generate detailed reports showing your enjoyment levels for to up to 10 specific careers (Sample Career Enjoyment Report), and
- explore what you would like or dislike about up to 10 specific careers. (Sample Career Enjoyment Report)
You can then generate reports related to:

Screen shot of video overview for the Strengths report:

Screen shot of video overview for the Career Development report:
- your greatest strengths (Sample Your Greatest Strengths) and
- likely career development opportunities based on strengths and your areas of improvement. (Sample Career Development)
“The Career Navigation introductory videos are fantastic! I was pleased with the examples explaining the various report sections to help understand my results and the importance of considering my profile in detail. The Your Strengths with Paradoxes video was especially exceptional. The Career Options shortlist on the Find Your Career tab streamlined that report for more effective consideration of my top career options by educational level.” Sedona Stewart, College Student
Harrison’s unique Career Navigation System provides clear direction toward career success and fulfillment. Find your best career/job fit today and land your dream job with the Harrison Assessments Career Navigation System.
Enhance Your Career Assessment with Paradox Report
Now you can enhance your Career Assessment insights with Harrison’s Paradox Report. In the new digital era of VUCA (“Velocity”, “Uncertainty”, “Complexity” and “Ambiguity”), leaders need to adopt new lenses and learn a new way of leading paradoxically with strategic agility. Today’s leaders need to display an ease and comfort when dealing with tensions (paradoxes) and to face head-on their anxiety and defensiveness that result from tension in order to achieve success and sustainability. Managing paradoxes creates innovation, new insights, and creative opportunities for businesses in the realities of a global landscape. Read more about Harrison Assessments’ Paradoxical Leadership technology.
Paradox Report Reference
Career Reports References
…To my surprise, the Career Assessment went far deeper exposing areas in which I naturally excelled, as well as ones I would have to develop for the career I desired. Beyond the report itself, the debrief with Sheryl Dawson revealed not only my expectations but also how to achieve them! The Career Options Report listed many options across the complex medical field giving me new insight into possible targets at various educational levels; the detailed Career Enjoyment Reports provided specific behavioral profiles for each career option with my overall matching scores. These comprehensive insights are like having a behavioral x-ray and have inspired me to consider my short and long term goals in a more strategic way…
-–Sedona Stewart
College Student
The Harrison Assessments Career Navigation System truly is a great tool to identify the best career fit and determine the direction you should go to succeed. I highly recommend it as a personal growth tool and to determine the best educational concentration or degree program based on career fit.”
— Sinai Tirado
New Graduate
“I heartily recommend Harrison Assessments Career Navigation System for all levels of educational institutions. The earlier students understand their best career fit, the sooner they can embark on an educational journey that will engage their minds and hearts for a successful academic and career future.”
—Patricia Parish
Careers Education Consultant
Western Sydney University
Career Assessment & Paradox Report Reference
“What struck me in my Paradox Report was how one out-of-balance Paradox is key to an expanded awareness of how I can develop and be more effective, not only in my work but in my personal relationships. While I always felt the dilemma I faced with these challenging behavioral preferences, my detailed Paradox Report and discussion with Sheryl significantly heightened my understanding; I realize now that my out-of-balance Paradoxes create a pattern of ineffectiveness that I can alter by consciously developing specific traits and achieve balanced versatility. Both encouraged and empowered by the Paradox Report and feedback, I recommend Harrison’s eye-opening Paradox Report to achieve accelerated career success and personal growth!”
— Cynthia Hudspeth
Business Manager
Career Assessment References
“Both encouraged and empowered by the Paradox Report and feedback, I recommend Harrison’s eye-opening Paradox Report to achieve accelerated career success and personal growth!” — Cynthia Hudspeth, Business Manager
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These comprehensive insights are like having a behavioral x-ray and have inspired me to consider my short and long term goals in a more strategic way… -–Sedona Stewart, College Student
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I highly recommend Harrison’s Career Navigation System as a personal growth tool and to determine the best educational concentration or degree program based on career fit.” — Sinai Tirado, New Graduate
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“I heartily recommend Harrison Assessments Career Navigation System for all levels of educational institutions… for a successful academic and career future.” —Patricia Parish, Careers Education Consultant
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