Selected Seminar Topics for Today’s Leaders
Dawson Consulting Group offers informative, interactive, and practical skills-based seminars on the most effective techniques to address the crucial realities of today’s business world. Take advantage of these learning opportunities and partner with Dawson Consulting Group to achieve your learning, engagement and retention goals. Following are several popular seminars for supervisors and managers with optional assessment, and follow up coaching for a powerful blended training solution that gets results!
[expand title=”Coaching for Retention” trigclass=”highlight”]
This was just what we needed and more than we expected from a training session. The managers were very impressed and said that they were able to use the training immediately. Excellent job. ~ Freeport Vinyl
Research has proven that the top reason employees leave organizations is how they are treated by their supervisors. Even more alarming are statistics showing that only 28% of employees are fully engaged in their jobs and company. This coaching seminar improves retention and performance in your company.
Learn how to …
- Administer disciplinary steps (for supervisors’ session)
- Identify and communicate common goals
- Reduce the potential for misunderstanding
- Effectively manage difficult employees
- Gain commitment by listening more effectively
- Facilitate and guide discussions more productively
- Overcome defensiveness in others
- Address others’ needs while achieving improved performance
[expand title=”Communicating For Results” trigclass=”highlight”]
The Dawson seminar is thorough and current on effective approaches to improving the performance management process. Our employees were fully engaged in the learning process and found the information and recommendations very helpful in preparing for the always challenging performance review process. We recommend this professional seminar and Dawson Consulting Group’s highly effective and custom approach to management and employee training and development. ~ Prisma Energy
This seminar is highly interactive designed to increase awareness of how communication style, attitudes, and beliefs impact the message sent and received. Listening, understanding how assumptions rule ones thoughts, and appreciating the ideas and opinions of others are some of the key topics. Participants learn to more effectively deal with common communication challenges.
Learn how to …
- Understand the basic blocks and barriers to productively communicating for results
- Use models and techniques for assertive and win-win communications
- Use methods for giving and receiving feedback constructively
- Understand the impact of body language on communication
- Apply the key communication skills of exceptional leaders
[expand title=”Stepping up to Supervisor” trigclass=”highlight”]
Stepping Up to Supervisor is an excellent fundamental seminar which is very compact. The open forum is an engaging presentation style which encourages participation and facilitates learning. The seminar provides practical take away skills and a sound foundation for further development and training. The personal supervisory success profile or assessment is a useful indicator of relevant traits to develop that will improve one’s performance. The seminar is worth the investment of time and money and motivates you to learn more! ~Dresser-Rand
This proven seminar is designed for employees considering promotion to supervisor and for brand new supervisors seeking help in adapting to their new role. This seminar is extremely valuable in setting the expectations for supervisory performance success in vital areas such as compliance, safety, quality, and productivity which directly impact the bottom line. Included is a personal Supervisory Success Profile of each participant’s behavioral preferences that will reveal his/her potential skill gaps that relate to specific performance-based traits and competencies which may be a barrier to participants’ performance success.
Learn how to …
- Understand what it takes to transition from the employee ranks to the managerial ranks.
- Assess their skills, abilities, and attitudes regarding supervision and decide if it is their current career path.
- Understand the basic supervisory functions and competencies and develop a plan for acquiring any skill deficiencies.
- Understand the importance of the supervisory role in modeling and communicating the organization’s core values, policies & procedures, and success behaviors
- Gain acceptance, commitment and influence from all levels of the organization.
[expand title=”Influencing Others” trigclass=”highlight”]
Organizational success depends on the ability to interact and influence others. Understanding personality styles is a key to adapting one’s behavior effectively to influence. Going beyond the basics of communications, this seminar provides a deeper understanding of how to influence various styles of personality, deal with conflict, and read body language with role play experience.
Learn how to …
- Understand one’s own style of influence and that of others
- Develop rapport building techniques
- Adapt one’s pace and structure
- Avoid common listening problems
- Become skillful at questioning and gathering information
- Avoid and resolve conflicts
- Develop effective influencing strategies
[expand title=”Behavioral Interviewing” trigclass=”highlight”]
Hiring the wrong people is costly! This seminar teaches behavioral interviewing for managers. Determining realistic job requirements, preparing for interviews, and asking the five types of questions are presented. Role play is utilized to develop effective interview skills with which managers can hire the right people, save money and increase performance.
Learn how to …
- Prepare, structure and conduct effective interviews
- Determine realistic job requirements based on knowledge, skill and attitude
- Identify various types of questions, and the relative value of each
- Use questions effectively and ‘drill down’ to gain useful information
- Use behavioral descriptive questions to understand the true capabilities of a candidate
- Identify ten job related characteristics and how to ask questions about them
[expand title=”Performance Management for Retention” trigclass=”highlight”]
This seminar presents a performance management process designed to create an environment for extraordinary performance, set high expectations, and conduct effective performance evaluations. This course is distinct from the coaching seminar because it addresses how to create an environment of performance and productivity for your entire department and every employee, conduct the performance evaluation, and prepare for it by setting employee goals and standards for performance. Participants are expected to bring real life situations with which they are currently dealing and will learn steps to significantly improve performance using the performance evaluation process. They will also receive practical coaching during their practice session.
Learn how to …
- Use effective communication skills to successfully conduct a performance evaluation
- Understand the role in increasing employee performance
- Prepare for the performance evaluation process
- Coach employee performance on a day-to-day basis in a way that inspires and gains commitment versus micromanaging
- Prepare for and conduct a successful performance evaluation meeting
Custom-design a seminar or program for your leaders and employees. Supervisors or managers who desire to increase engagement and retention, hone their management skills, improve performance of themselves and their direct reports, and improve their communication, influencing, coaching and leadership skills.