Texas Business Radio Interview: Sheryl Dawson on Talent Imperatives for Business Results!
/in Accountability, Assessments, Behavioral Assessment, Blog, for Development, for Recruitment, for Selection, for Talent Development, Harrison Assessments, Job Fit, Leadership Assessment, Organizational Change, Predict Job Fit, Private Equity, Recruitment, Sheryl Dawson, Succession Planning, Talent Analytics, Talent Management, Team Development/by DCGMatt Register with Texas Business Radio interviews Sheryl Dawson, CEO Dawson Consulting Group on the pressing talent issues organizations face in an expanding economic environment.
It’s the Economy, Stupid!
/in Blog, Organizational Change, Sheryl Dawson/by DCGOrganizational change is often driven by the economy
Economic downturns, mergers, reorganizations, natural disasters, war, disruptive global and workforce trends, technological change, and industry upheavals impact organizations and their employees at the visceral level. (View Economic Drivers Video)
Organizations like to focus on the positive when developing strategic plans based on the best business and economic scenarios, yet it is often the negative economic surprises that drive organizational change. After over 30 years in business, I recently developed a retrospective of the primary global, national and regional economic drivers covering over 50 decades. It is gripping to review the succession of economic downturns, mergers, reorganizations, natural disasters, war, disruptive global and workforce trends, technological change, and industry upheavals which impact organizations and their employees at the visceral level. (View Economic Drivers Video)
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