Leadership Consultant Margaret Morford on Navigating Office Politics for Career Success

Morford, Margaret pic 2010Margaret Morford is an organizational consultant, trainer, speaker, and author of leadership books including The Hidden Language of Business: Workplace Politics, Power & Influence.  A former attorney and human resource executive, Morford addresses how to navigate office politics regardless of your position and background for career success. Learn inside intelligence to:

  • Advance in your workplace;
  • Avoid common missteps that undermine success;
  • Apply positive political skills;
  • Maximize career advancement.

Margaret’s razor-sharp insights help identify who has real power and influence in your organization and how to develop your own career plan to achieve your goals.

For more from Margaret Morford, listen to the entire show on Monday, January 10, 2011, at 12pm EST/9am PST, or visit www.thehredge.net.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Raymond Larson on Entrepreneurship & the Seven Degrees of Influence

image003Raymond Larson has 30 years of experience in business and ministry. He combines vision with practical application to produce results for success. He shares his perspective on how business touches all other areas of the culture – government, education, family, religion, arts and entertainment, and media. Through a unique educational program for entrepreneurs, 7 Degrees offers a hands-on team approach to developing business acumen, networking and mentoring skills. Not only does the program develop entrepreneurs, but it impacts the culture through integrity, creative ideas, energy, research, and the right team. Larson discusses specific strategies to succeed in spite of a tough economy.

For more from Raymond Larson, listen to the entire show or visit www.raymondlarson.org.

Tamara Erickson, Organizational Consultant, on Plugged In: The Generation Y Guide to Thriving at Work

TErickson_picOrganizational consultant Tamara Erickson provides a valuable guidebook for the newcomers to the workforce -Generation Y, the 15 – 31 age cohort — who are entering in large numbers. Tammy gives Gen Y’s the information they crave to connect at work and to craft the lives they want. Sher reveals a framework Y’s can use to develop their own criteria for making career choices, how X’ers and Boomers view Generation Y, and the top 10 rules that can help Gen Y’s succeed in the corporate world. Tammy shares how Gen Y’s can use their unique strengths to understand and influence their professional relationships and to find their way in the changing workplace.

For more from Tamara Erickson, listen to the entire show on Monday, July 12, 2010, at 12pm EST/9am PST, or visit www.tammyerickson.com.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Dr. Tony Zeiss, President Central Piedmont Community College on “Building Your Own Career Ladder”

Tony Zeiss image
Dr. Tony Zeiss, author of Build Your Own Ladder: 4 Secrets to Making Your Career Dreams Come True, shares how to utilize your powers of:

  • Vision
  • Thought
  • Influence
  • Reciprocity

Learn strategies that successful people have employed for thousands of years. Whether just entering the workforce, establishing personal career plans, or already working and want a more meaningful career, you will gain insight into how to exceed your dreams and have an extraordinary career.

For more from Dr. Zeiss, listen to the entire show or visit: www.cpcc.edu/president.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Kevin Hogan: How to Get Anyone to Say YES in 8 Minutes or Less!

Kevin Hogan image

Kevin Hogan is an body language and influencing expert whose best-selling book, The Science of Influence, reveals strategies for how you can get anyone to say “YES” to you:

  • Present a convincing appearance
  • Ask questions to learn your target’s values and needs
  • Use “secret” tools to build credibility fast
  • Convince your target of the negative consequences of a “no”
  • Be persistent – not annoying

The book also reveals the hard science and facts behind the art of influencing. Kevin’s revolutionary guide is the “Holy Grail” of persuasion – a proven system for turning a “no” into a “yes,” and will show you how to communicate more effectively with family, friends, co-workers, clients, and potential employers.

For more from Kevin Hogan, listen to the entire show or visit www.kevinhogan.com.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Dr. Robert Cialdini on Proven Ways to Be Persuasive for Greater Success

Dr. Robert Cialdini imageOn March 2, 2010, Dr. Robert Cialdini, New York Times bestselling author of Influence: Science and Practice and Yes, 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive, joined Ken and Sheryl Dawson on the Total Career Success VoiceAmerica Internet radio show to share six fundamental principles of influence based on years of research:

  • Reciprocity – Give to receive;
  • Scarcity – Position the product or service as unique and therefore in short supply;
  • Authority – Be the expert;
  • Consistency – Be consistent with the values/goals of the person to be influenced;
  • Consensus – Demonstrate agreement as through references;
  • Liking – Identify similarities with the person to be persuaded.

These approaches can dramatically improve the ability to influence people in all walks of life.

For more insights from Dr. Robert Cialdini, click here to listen to the entire show, or visit Dr. Cialdini’s website at http://www.influenceatwork.com/.

Click here for 7 FREE videos that will show you how to find a better job for better pay fast!

Body Language Expert Janine Driver on “Total Career Success” Radio Show!

Janine Driver image

Body language expert Janine Driver takes the interpretation of body language to a whole new level. Her insights and recommendations on how to be more aware of the messages people send through body language enable people to improve relationships, performance and confidence. Whether in social, business or professional settings, non-verbal signals are as important to success as verbal messaging.

Janine helps people learn to:

  1. Improve personal presence;
  2. Develop more effective customer relationships;
  3. Get the job they want;
  4. Communicate more effectively to build rapport and influence;
  5. and Increase sales results.

For more from Janine Driver, listen to the entire radio show.

Click here for 7 FREE videos that will show you how you can find a better job for better pay fast!

Transforming the World: How Business Accelerators Facilitate Entrepreneurship and Promote Economic Growth

While big businesses and corporations get all the government and media attention and publicity, it is small businesses and individual entrepreneurs that add the greatest value and diversity to our U.S. and global economy. These smaller entities drive growth in the economy and are the foundation for long term success. Fortunately there are growing numbers of groups and associations that are reaching out to encourage and assist entrepreneurs and start-up businesses in these difficult economic times. One of these organizations is Houston Technology Center (HTC), and this week we had the opportunity to speak with Paul Frison, one of the driving forces behind HTC’s success.

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The FISH Principle of Life and More!

Stephen Lundin, Chairman and co-Founder of Ontend Creative Partners, as well as a noted author and speaker on work culture, innovation, motivation, and customer service was the featured guest on Total Career Success VoiceAmerica Radio Show. Dr. Lundin discussed his bestselling book FISH! and upcoming book CATS: The Nine Levels of Innovation and how positive energy and innovation can improve and put joy in your job search and career.

We led this week’s show with some tips for your job search, especially as we enter the holiday season. While the majority of people perceive the holiday season as a slow time that often puts a damper on a job search, it is important to remain active and proactive in your job search throughout the season in order to be prepared when the pace picks up again in January. Here are a few tips for a fruitful job search amid the holiday buzz:

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