The Careers Architect
Sheryl Dawson
Whatever your life/ career stage, Sheryl Dawson can help you achieve your goals. Sheryl provided career transition and assessment services for many years, together with her husband and partner at the time. They wrote and developed a program to help employers during downsizing/layoffs to transition employees successfully and enable them to achieve their career objectives. Job Search: The Total System, now in the fourth edition, has enabled tens of thousands of individuals in all industries, functions, and organizational levels to achieve better jobs for better pay and better lives.
In recent years Sheryl refocused her consulting practice on predictive behavioral assessment not only for career selection, but also for talent management (case study) including recruitment, leadership and career development, succession planning, engagement and retention, as well as for wellness programs (wellness references). From private equity to global organizations, Sheryl has been privileged to impact national and international organizations, leaders and teams to achieve their business and talent goals (organizational references).
Sheryl has supported individuals from college graduates to executives and retirees in identifying their ideal careers or avocations; consulted in development of leadership capacity both in for-profit and non-profit organizations; and coached individuals (coaching references) in achievement of life, career and wellness goals. It is Sheryl’s passion to facilitate career and job transition, executive and leadership development and transformational goals through her consulting and coaching practice.
Career & Professional Assessment as the Starting Point
The intersection of passion and purpose defines one’s ideal career and life direction; understanding behavioral strengths and imbalances, as well as opportunities for development and growth, provides your unique motivational profile and builds confidence to pursue your career and life goals with dedication and persistence. For career planning, job/career transition, and professional development, the resources below are valuable to identify and advance the fulfillment of your life and career ambitions. Through these comprehensive and proven assessments and coaching resources, Sheryl Dawson can accelerate your transition and achievement of personal and career goals! Whatever your life/ career phase and unique goals, these proven resources can be a transformational catalyst to SOAR!
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