Accelerate Transformation with Organizational Decision Analytics – Part II

“Whether you are responsible for the talent engagement and development of a large multi-national or a mid-size organization, Harrison Assessment’s Organizational Analytics offers best-in-class solutions to advance your business, cultural, and talent goals for 2021 and beyond.”

Accelerate Transformation with Organizational Decision Analytics

“Whether you are responsible for the talent engagement and development of a large multi-national or a mid-size organization, Harrison Assessment’s Organizational Analytics offers best-in-class solutions to advance your business, cultural, and talent goals for 2021 and beyond.”

portrait of Mark Tomlinson

Mark Tomlinson, Executive Director of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Discusses Keys to Economic Vitality & Career Development

Mark Tomlinson is passionate about manufacturing and the key role it plays in the US economy.
Having spent his entire career in the field, he understands the vital role of manufacturing and what it
takes to excel in the industry. The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), provides manufacturing
professionals with access to the knowledge, skills and resources they need to advance their careers
and at the same time improve the profitability and growth potential of their companies. With the industry
facing a severe skilled-worker shortage, one of the top goals of SME is to fill the talent pipeline with
new manufacturing employees through the Education Foundation.

tomlinson_highresMark Tomlinson is passionate about manufacturing and the key role it plays in the U.S. economy. Having spent his entire career in the field, he understands the vital role of manufacturing and what it takes to excel in the industry. The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) provides manufacturing professionals with access to the knowledge, skills and resources they need to advance their careers and improve the profitability and growth potential of their companies. With the industry facing a severe skilled-worker shortage, one of the top goals of SME is to fill the talent pipeline with new manufacturing employees through the Education Foundation.

For more from Mark Tomlinson, listen to the entire show or visit

Jill Belconis, Chairman of the Young Presidents’ Organization: Leaders on the Move

Jill BelconisJill Belconis, International Chairman of the Young Presidents’ Organization, shares insights on leadership for men and women. Young Presidents’ Organization provides life-changing opportunities for executives to grow and develop. One of the most effective ways to develop personal and professional leadership is to collaborate with other leaders who are experiencing similar challenges and problems. Leaders on the move can learn:

  • How to face adversity and succeed
  • How to grow organizations even in tough times
  • Qualities that enable leaders to grow personally and develop their organizations
  • How to build relationships with peers to advance their careers

For more from Jill Belconis, listen to the entire show on Monday, June 21, at 12pm EST/9am PST, or visit

David and Wendy Ulrich, Authors of The Why of Work: How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations


In The Why of Work: How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations, business professor and management consultant David Ulrich and psychologist Wendy Ulrich share how leaders can create meaning for themselves and value for employees, customers, investors and communities.  Drawing from their unique backgrounds and disciplines, the Ulrichs demonstrate that meaning matters and that it is part of an effective and successful leadership agenda.  Instead of focusing only on maximizing profit, they show how injecting meaning – answering the “why?” question – into business and leadership can:

  • Increase a business’ value for customers, investors and employees
  • Increase engagement and retention
  • Increase productivity
  • Increase customer focus
  • Improve skills and competencies
  • Increase an organization’s potential for growth
  • Create abundant organizations that thrive

For more from David Ulrich and Wendy Ulrich, listen to the entire show or visit

Keith Ferrazzi and His Breakthrough Program on Relationships that Won’t Let You Fail!

Keith Ferrazzi imageKeith Ferrazzi is the New York Times‘ #1 bestselling author of Who’s Got Your Back: The Breakthrough Program to Build Deep, Trusting Relationships That Create Success–and Won’t Let You Fail. No one is a self-made success. Keith adapts methodologies of the most successful behavioral change programs to provide a do-it-yourself blueprint for creating relationships and a support structure that separate the great from the good. With a 9-step action plan for creating relationships that help you learn, change and achieve your goals, Keith gives you the tools to achieve your dreams. Whether seeking to advance your career, expand your business, or find a new job, these techniques will enable you to succeed. This is not another self-help book, but the first ‘let others help’ book!

For more from Keith Ferrazzi, listen to the entire show or visit

Steve Howard: How to Get the Wealthiest Generation to Buy and Accelerate Economic Growth!

Steve Howard imageSpeaker and writer Steve Howard is the founder of a training and consulting firm, and his new book, Boomer Selling: Helping the Wealthiest Generation in History Own Your Premium Products and Services, is a practical resource to help organizations understand the motivations and buying habits of this unique generation. As the American economy recovers, it will be on the backs of Baby Boomers, and Howard explains why:

  • Boomers are the engine that drives our economy
  • Most companies are wasting money going after the wrong customers
  • Customization is critical when selling to Boomers
  • 80% of Boomers buy premium products.

For more from Steve Howard, listen to the entire show or visit

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Dr. Aubrey Daniels, Bestselling Author: Management Practices that Waste Time and Money

Aubrey Daniels image Dr. Aubrey Daniels, an organizational consultant, is the author of OOPS! 13 Management Practices that Waste Time and Money. With tips on how to create lasting change, he focuses on individual behavior and reveals why common practices ultimately reward bad behavior, punish good behavior, and lead to poor results. From sports coaches to corporate CEOs, leaders of all backgrounds can learn to manage behavior and performance more effectively. By asking, ‘Why are we doing this?’ leaders can re-evaluate the cost-benefit equation and implement change to achieve new levels of performance.

For more from Dr. Aubrey Daniels, listen to the entire show or visit

Dr. Angelo Valenti, Consultant & Coach on Unleashing Leadership: Aligning What People Do Best with What Organizations Need Most

Angelo Valenti imageDr. Angelo Valenti, organizational psychologist and coach, is author of Unleashing Leadership: Aligning What People Do Best with What Organizations Need Most. He reveals the most important element of successful organizations: organizational alignment, which involves:

  • Communicating organizational expectations and eliciting employee expectations
  • Profiling positions and projects
  • Profiling competencies of talent
  • Developing a Composite Team for alignment

Angelo’s leadership system provides leaders with a practical methodology to analyze both task requirements and the competencies and styles of their team members to facilitate alignment. With alignment, leaders are able to create synergy and achieve the highest performance.

For more from Dr. Angelo Valenti, listen to the entire show or visit

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Executive Coach Dr. Allen Saville on Achieving Peak Performance and Developing a Coaching Culture

bioAllenSaville182x255Dr. Allen Saville, Executive Coach and author, shares strategies for achieving top performance and developing a coaching culture. With over 30 years of leadership consulting and experience in diverse industry and government environments, Dr. Saville is a recognized thought leader in organizational performance and performance-based coaching to empower people and teams to achieve more. Learn the secrets to:

  • Turning a shared vision into peak performance
  • Building trust and empowering others through a coaching culture
  • Retaining talent through effective communications and competency development
  • Leading change for organizational growth and performance improvement.

For more from Dr. Allen Saville, listen to the entire show or visit

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Dr. Kim Cameron on Positive Leadership

CameronPhoto Kim Cameron, professor and author of Positive Leadership: Strategies for Extraordinary Performance, shares how to achieve extraordinary effectiveness and spectacular results. Dr. Cameron describes his four positive leadership strategies and how to implement them:

  1. Enable a positive climate
  2. Develop positive relationships
  3. Promote positive communication
  4. Create positive meaning.

Positive leadership is not about ignoring or minimizing problems and obstacles, but about engendering that which is life-giving, elevating, and virtuous in organizations, and Dr. Cameron demonstrates how a leader’s attitudes and behaviors dramatically impact individual and organizational performance.

For more from Dr. Kim Cameron, listen to the entire show here on April 26, 2010, at 12pm EST/9am PST.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Gregg Stocker, Organizational Consultant and Author: How to Avoid the Corporate Death Spiral

bioGreggStocker182x255Gregg Stocker, organizational consultant and author of Avoiding the Corporate Death Spiral: Recognizing And Eliminating the Signs of Decline, helps organizations in the areas of change management, strategic planning, and performance improvement. Having worked in the automotive and other manufacturing industries internationally, Gregg brings clarity to the signs of decline and implements strategies to breathe life into a dying company. Learn to recognize and eliminate the signs of decline including:

  • Losing sight of the organization’s purpose
  • Placing more focus on numbers than people
  • Basing supplier relationships purely on price
  • Failing to manage the organization as a whole.

For more from Gregg Stocker, listen to the entire show or visit

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Lt. Colonel Rob Waldo Waldman, Bestselling Author and Speaker

bioWaldoWaldman182x255Lt. Col. Rob “Waldo” Waldman, noted speaker and author of Never Fly Solo, reveals how the same steadfast interdependence demonstrated by wingmen in combat is necessary to transform partnerships with colleagues, co-workers, and friends into collaborative relationships that can help you achieve success. Whether you are a seasoned executive, entrepreneur, or new to the business world, creating a work environment based on mutual support and trust is crucial to success. Waldo encourages everyone to prepare diligently for every mission, face challenges with courage, build meaningful relationships, and maximize individual potential both in business and in life.

For more from Lt. Col. Waldman, listen to the entire show or visit

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Executive Coach and Author of “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There”

Marshall Goldsmith image

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, preeminent executive coach and author of What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, defines 20 bad habits of leaders and seven steps to change for the better. Whether you are near the top of the ladder or still have room to climb, Marshall offers you essential guidelines to help eliminate your dysfunctions and move to where you want to go. Often our own success delusion stands in our way and causes us to resist change. We hear praise for the things we do well, but we rarely get credit for ceasing to do something badly. Marshall shows you how to go beyond the traditional “To Do” list and work on your “To Stop” list.

For more from Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, listen to the entire show or visit

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Dave Guerra: How to Become a Superperformer

Dave Guerra image

Optimism is essential to maximizing your potential and avoiding a ride on the unemployment train. On “Total Career Success”, Dave Guerra, a business consultant, corporate culture expert and the author of Superperformance, talked about how the right habits, attitude and approach to your job can improve your staying power in the “employed” status by enabling you to become a “superperformer.”

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Barry Smotherman: Managing A Successful Career When You’re a Financial Executive


Barry Smotherman has an extensive career in energy and entrepreneurial organizations, both as a CFO and consultant. Barry exemplifies the core values that enable any employee to succeed: excellence, innovation, integrity, and teamwork. He addresses ways to tap the job market for the best opportunities and how to navigate organizational transitions. His philosophy is get organized, have a plan and execute it. Some of the lessons he highlights:

  • Prepare ahead of time and think through the eventual process
  • Have a real sense of urgency
  • Listen and then listen some more
  • Don’t be intimidated by difficult odds
  • The best people get things done with A players

For more from Barry Smotherman, listen to the entire show.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Become a Champion of Change: Insights from Mary Banks

Mary Banks image

The global economy seems to have everyone on edge, so in constantly changing and unpredictable times, how can we manage life changes and their accompanying anxieties in order to achieve our personal and career aspirations? Mary Banks, an internationally recognized Executive Coach and Organizational Consultant and guest on “Total Career Success” on VoiceAmerica, offered advice on how to become a champion of change and build a successful career in any economic climate.

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An Innovative New Approach to Overcoming Stress with Bill Crawford, Ph.D.

Dr. Bill Crawford, psychologist, coach, trainer and author of Life from the Top of the Mind, offers a totally unique method of countering the debilitating effects of stress by showing individuals and groups how to use specific parts of the brain to access desired qualities and characteristics. He identifies this approach as shift from using the resistant and reactive brain, where the focus is on blame and resentment, to the receptive brain, where a person can access his/her clarity, confidence and creativity. With this method, you can learn how to:

  • Regain control in any situation;
  • Shift from the using lower 20% of the brain to the upper 80%;
  • Define yourself on purpose in any situation;
  • Bring this more purposeful perspective to all aspects of life.

For more from Dr. Crawford, listen to the entire show or visit

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Kerry Patterson on Communicating and Influencing to Get Results

Kerry Patterson pic

Kerry Patterson, author of Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When the Stakes Are High, shows people how to communicate to obtain healthy results: think before speaking, be aware of the context and conditions of a discussion, and maintain respect even when disagreeing. These skills are essential for individual, family, and organizational success. Individuals and groups should learn to:

  • Focus on goals when emotions run strong;
  • Increase awareness of warning signs that a conversation is about to take a turn for the worse;
  • Make it safe to talk about anything;
  • Create healthy dialogue even when scared, angry, frustrated or hurt;
  • Say potentially hurtful things in a way that minimizes defensiveness;
  • Listen effectively when others blow up or clam up;
  • Move from discussing tough issues to taking healthy action

To learn more from Kerry Patterson, listen to the entire show.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Peter Land: Have Fun Building Winning Teams!

Peter Land image

Peter Land, a trainer and consultant to Fortune 500 companies, has a lifetime of experience as an Air Force pilot, leader and trainer. Having conducted hundreds of leadership workshops on four continents and built winning teams in many environments, Land is a consummate trainer and team developer. His expertise will teach you:

  • What winning teams do
  • The specific skills and techniques it takes to be a great team leader
  • What leaders should do to be part of the team
  • Why competition in teams is dysfunctional
  • How to have fun with teams

If you want to turn your group of employees into a winning team or learn how to be a better team player, listen to a master.

For more from Peter Land, listen to the entire show or visit

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.