Bob Alexander, Educational Consultant, on the Ziglar I CAN Culture Transformation Program

Alexander_IMG_9264Bob Alexander, President of The Alexander Resource Group, is a former teacher, coach and high school administrator who has personally conducted thousands of keynote addresses, workshops, and student assemblies worldwide on success principles and career advancement.  Bob is passionate about teaching the Ziglar I CAN values and attitudes that enable children to succeed.  The Ziglar mantra of encouragement and hope is one that resonates with everyone, especially children!  He shares:

  • The challenge of education;
  • ABC’s of Life…Attitude, Behavior and Character;
  • The Stair Steps to Success;
  • The I CAN success story;
  • Keys to Cultural Transformation.

For more from Bob Alexander, listen to the entire show, visit, and watch this video.

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Adrienne Leigh, Business Broker & Franchise Expert: What You Need to Know to Be a Successful Franchisee

Adrienne Leigh imageAn experienced entrepreneur with more than 25 years of business ownership, consulting, and franchise experience, Adrienne Leigh, coaches clients through the due diligence process to ensure that they are a match for a particular business or franchise. Selecting a company or franchise to buy is an art as well as a science, and Adrienne considers both perspectives. She takes much of the guess work out of the equation, and helps reduce the risk. As an astute negotiator, Adrienne enables new franchisees to optimize their investments.

For more from Adrienne Leigh, listen to the entire show or visit

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Promoting Your Own Success with Executive Coach Bonnie Marcus

Bonnie Marcus image Bonnie Marcus, an executive coach and motivational speaker, inspires and coaches women to promote themselves and excel in their careers. To gain control of your career advancement, learn:

  • How to create an effective and memorable message to promote yourself and your business
  • The key to feeling more comfortable with self-promotion
  • How to effectively use self-promotion to advance your career.

We often think of the work world as a jungle. Bonnie teaches us how to explore opportunities in “jungle gym” fashion. Instead of attempting to conquer the new dynamics of the workplace on traditional career ladders, she helps clients seek creative ways to advance.

For more from Bonnie Marcus, listen to the entire show or visit

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Dr. David Krueger, Author of The Secret Language of Money

David Krueger image David Krueger, M.D., is the author of The Secret Language of Money: How to Make Smarter Financial Decisions and Live a Richer Life, a guided tour of:

  • The subconscious meanings people give money
  • The conflicted ways the brain deals with money
  • The reasons people tend to make the same money mistakes over and over.
  • How you can change how you subconsciously think about money.

As CEO of MentorPath, an executive coaching, publishing, and wellness firm, Dr. Krueger shares how to make smarter financial decisions and live a richer life by:

  • Rewriting your own money story
  • Finding the balance between wealth, health, and joy
  • Avoiding debt and saving for the future
  • Avoiding repetition of the same money mistakes over and over
  • Increasing your financial intelligence.

For more from Dr. David Krueger, listen to the entire show or visit

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Dr. Robert Pennington: Managing the Stress of Change in Turbulent Times

Dr. Robert Pennington image Dr. Robert Pennington, executive coach and educational psychologist, walks the talk of someone who knows professionally and personally how to deal well with life’s challenges. He teaches individuals and groups how to:

  • Recognize stress quicker and move through it faster
  • Understand three definitions relating stress and change
  • Discover the Positive Opposite Possibility of Worry
  • Avoid up to 90% of stressful disagreements.

One of the top hurdles to overcoming change is resistance. Rob shares techniques to help you adapt to and embrace change.

For more from Dr. Robert Pennington, listen to the entire show.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.