Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Vince Patton, Director Community Outreach, Military Advantage and Retired Career Coast Guardsman on Jobs for Vets

bioVincePatton182x2551Dr. Vince Patton, Director Community Outreach, Military Advantage/Monster Worldwide and Retired Career Coast Guardsman, brings the knowledge and experience of a 30-year military career and multiple advanced degrees to the subject of employing veterans. Dr. Patton addresses:

  • Issues facing transitioning service members
  • The value of career fairs for employers and job seekers
  • How to help disabled veterans get jobs
  • Job opportunities in government
  • Transferable skills from military to civilian jobs
  • Education options for military personnel
  • How to attract vets to work for your company.

For more from Dr. Vince Patton, listen to the entire show or visit www.military.com.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Melinda Doolittle, American Idol Star and Author of Beyond Me: Finding Your Way to Life’s Next Level

smallDoolittle_MelindaMelinda Doolittle, American Idol star, recording artist and author of Beyond Me,  has skyrocketed to fame since her appearance on American Idol. She shares her secrets to finding her way to the next level:

  • Invest in others;
  • Work hard to realize your dream;
  • Listen to the wisdom of others;
  • Be prepared;
  • Be open to criticism and release offenses;
  • Face your fears and do it anyway.

Tone deaf as a child, her love of singing drove her to enter a talent show in the 7th grade, and miraculously, she stunned the audience with her spot-on vocals and beautiful voice. Melinda is an excellent model of how success is achieved – by faith and hard work. Be inspired to attain your next level.

For more from Melinda Doolittle, listen to the entire show or visit melindadoolittle.com.

Hank Kohlbrand, Retired Dow Chemical Company Executive and President of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers: Building Your Chemical Engineering Career

Kohlbrand Formal 2010Hank Kohlbrand, retired Global R&D Director, Process & Manufacturing Technology R&D for Dow Chemical Company and President of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), will share:

  • Key business trends that will shape chemical engineers professional future
  • Megatrends that define opportunities
  • Important skills, beyond technical skills, needed for future success
  • Embracing change as opportunity
  • Association resources for members and others to advance their careers and the industry.

AIChE is a professional society of more than 40,000 chemical engineers in 92 countries.  Learn the inside story of how the chemicals industry and careers change lives and society.

For more from Hank Kohlbrand, listen to the entire show Monday, September 13, 2010, at 12pm EST/9am PST, or visit www.aiche.org.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Donna Fenn, Author of UpSTARTS! How GenY Entrepreneurs are Rocking the World of Business and 8 Ways You Can Profit from Their Success

Donna_Fenn_HiDonna Fenn is a contributing editor to Inc. Magazine and an expert on the entrepreneurial habits of Gen Y. Learn how eight key factors contribute to Gen Y business success:

  • Building collaborative tribes
  • Deploying technology for competitive advantage
  • Disrupting the status quo
  • Deconstructing the Gen Y market
  • Generating branding buzz
  • Leveraging social mission
  • Creating dynamic workplaces
  • Morphing and growing strategically.

Whether you’re studying Gen Y’s approach to business to beef up your bottom line or aiming to be tomorrow’s great under-30 entrepreneur story, these concepts and steps will help get your business out in front of the pack.

For more from Donna Fenn, listen to the entire show Monday, August 9, 2010, at 12pm EST/9am PST or visit www.donnafenn.com.

portrait of Ted Alt

Ted Alt, Managing Director of Advanced Wealth Group, on Getting Wealthy Slowly!

tedaltTed Alt has been a leader in the financial services industry for more than 30 years and is a Certified Financial Planner. He shares his perspective on the current investment environment and guidelines for developing a sound investment strategy in uncertain times. Learn how you can build wealth slowly by:

  • Avoiding get rich quick schemes
  • Investing internationally
  • Setting clear investment goals
  • Investing for the long term
  • Diversifying assets
  • Protecting against volatility
  • Maximizing tax deferred investments.

Ted also discusses his personal experience with career transition and recommendations for successful job search, career change, and opportunities in the financial and investment sectors. By focusing on your personal goals and following a sound strategy you will worry less and sleep better!

For more from Ted Alt, visit www.advanced-wealth.com or listen to the entire show.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

portrait of Paula Caligiuri

Work Psychologist Dr. Paula Caligiuri on How to Get a Life by Doing What You Love

Paula Caligiuri -smallPaula Caligiuri is a work psychologist, professor of human resource management and the author of Get a Life, Not a Job, and is a leading expert in global career development. Paula shares strategies for career fulfillment, including:

  • Spending more time on enjoyable work;
  • Identifying long term career choices to match your skills and passions;
  • Transforming your current job;
  • Becoming “lay-off” proof;
  • Defining wealth-building activities;
  • Building an inspiring and financially secure career.

By continually developing yourself for activities you personally desire, you achieve a freedom to pursue multiple career options simultaneously. Redesign your career for real financial freedom.

For more from Dr. Paula Caligiuri, listen to the entire show on Monday, July 26, at 12pm EST/9am PST, or visit www.paulacaligiuri.com.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

portrait of Mark Tomlinson

Mark Tomlinson, Executive Director of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Discusses Keys to Economic Vitality & Career Development

Mark Tomlinson is passionate about manufacturing and the key role it plays in the US economy.
Having spent his entire career in the field, he understands the vital role of manufacturing and what it
takes to excel in the industry. The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), provides manufacturing
professionals with access to the knowledge, skills and resources they need to advance their careers
and at the same time improve the profitability and growth potential of their companies. With the industry
facing a severe skilled-worker shortage, one of the top goals of SME is to fill the talent pipeline with
new manufacturing employees through the Education Foundation.

tomlinson_highresMark Tomlinson is passionate about manufacturing and the key role it plays in the U.S. economy. Having spent his entire career in the field, he understands the vital role of manufacturing and what it takes to excel in the industry. The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) provides manufacturing professionals with access to the knowledge, skills and resources they need to advance their careers and improve the profitability and growth potential of their companies. With the industry facing a severe skilled-worker shortage, one of the top goals of SME is to fill the talent pipeline with new manufacturing employees through the Education Foundation.

For more from Mark Tomlinson, listen to the entire show or visit www.sme.org.

Tamara Erickson, Organizational Consultant, on Plugged In: The Generation Y Guide to Thriving at Work

TErickson_picOrganizational consultant Tamara Erickson provides a valuable guidebook for the newcomers to the workforce -Generation Y, the 15 – 31 age cohort — who are entering in large numbers. Tammy gives Gen Y’s the information they crave to connect at work and to craft the lives they want. Sher reveals a framework Y’s can use to develop their own criteria for making career choices, how X’ers and Boomers view Generation Y, and the top 10 rules that can help Gen Y’s succeed in the corporate world. Tammy shares how Gen Y’s can use their unique strengths to understand and influence their professional relationships and to find their way in the changing workplace.

For more from Tamara Erickson, listen to the entire show on Monday, July 12, 2010, at 12pm EST/9am PST, or visit www.tammyerickson.com.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Pursuing Career Opportunities in Construction Management: Advice from Bruce D’Agostino, CEO of Construction Management Association of America

Bruce Agostino picBruce D’Agostino, CEO of Construction Management Association of America, discusses the promising future of large infrastructure construction projects globally. With a projected 17% growth rate over the next 10 years, the industry will be offering many different career opportunities in the coming years. D’Agostino shares his insights on the construction profession, as well as the Construction Management Association of America, including:

  • The complexities of construction management
  • Employee and potential employee backgrounds and educational paths to success
  • Types of projects internationally
  • Technologies and management methods
  • Mentoring and scholarship programs.

The mission of CMAA is to promote and enhance leadership, professionalism, and excellence in managing the development and construction of projects and programs.

For more from Bruce D’Agostino, listen to the entire show or visit cmaanet.org.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Tamara Erickson, Organizational Consultant and Author of What’s Next Gen X?

TErickson_picTamara Erickson, organizational consultant and author of What’s Next, Gen X?: Keeping Up, Moving Ahead, and Getting the Career You Want, says members of Generation X—the 30-to-44 age cohort—have drawn the short stick at work. The economy has been stacked against them from the beginning. She lays out a powerful framework for shaping a satisfying, meaningful career, revealing how GenXers can:

  • Use their unique capabilities to become effective leaders
  • Identify work that matches their passion
  • Succeed in a corporate career or independently
  • Spot and seize newly emerging professional opportunities.

Tammy helps you decide what you want and shows how to get it.

    For more from Tamara Erickson, listen to the entire show or visit www.tammyerickson.com.

    To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

    photo of Tom Anastasi

    Dr. Tom Anastasi, Author of Successful Entrepreneur: American Dream Done Right

    Tom Anastasi photoTom Anastasi, author of The Successful Entrepreneur: American Dream Done Right, lays out a roadmap to minimize risk and maximize success. Unemployment is causing many to consider hanging out their own shingle. Tom guides the new entrepreneur through four phases to success:

    1. Start Up covers research on product viability, budgeting, and start-up capital
    2. Being the Boss offers valuable advice on employment issues and leadership styles
    3. Sales and Marketing explains pricing, marketing strategies on a budget, and effective sales
    4. Years Two to Five addresses signs of trouble, getting through tough times, and selling the business.

    For more from Tom Anastasi, listen to the entire show or visit tomanastasi.com.

    To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

    Phil Dyer of the Military Officers Association of America: Honoring Our Active Military Personnel and Veterans

    image001Phil Dyer, Deputy Director of the Financial Education for Military Officers Association of America, has served as an Army Captain and worked in the corporate world in sales and financial planning. He shares valuable information on military service, transitioning from the military, and on the Military Officers Association of America, which provides support to over 370,000 members and their families. Dyer gives tips on:

    • Benefits of serving in the military
    • Benefits after transitioning to a civilian career
    • Challenges of long term military careers
    • Seeking help when transitioning
    • Assessing career fit
    • Networking to find civilian opportunities
    • Benefits offered by the Military Officers Association.

    For more from Phil Dyer, listen to the entire show, or visit www.moaa.org.

    Career Advancement Strategies in a Tough Economy

    Are you having to do more with less? Is work more intense and do you feel like you are working your fingers to the bones? We’ll share insights on dealing with the impact of the recession, as well as job search and career advancement strategies to get to the next level even in a tough economy. Learn how to:

    • Be more efficient and effective after a restructuring or layoff
    • Embrace and add value to your situation
    • Adapt to change in order to grow professionally
    • Develop an entrepreneurial perspective and/or become independent contractor
    • Be a “one-percenter” and build a cycle of success.

    Thousands have successfully used our proven techniques to make their dream jobs or careers realities. If you’re looking for a better job, with better pay so you can enjoy a better life, go to www.betterjobbetterlife.com, and receive 7 free videos that will jumpstart your future starting today!

    For more, check out Job Search: The Total System or visit www.totalcareersuccess.com.

    Personal Branding & Social Networking with Bestselling Author Dan Schawbel

    Dan Schawbel imageDan Schawbel, the leading personal branding expert for Gen Y and author of Me2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success, shares the tools for building your brand and gaining a competitive advantage. Learn how to:

    • Effectively use online social networks, blogs, videos, and podcasts
    • Develop a 4-step strategy for discovering, creating, and communicating your personal brand
    • Improve your networking online and offline.

    Schawbel’s octopus model visually illustrates the impact of branding on networking, career development, entrepreneurship, the use of social media, public relations, marketing, search engine optimization, and human resources.

    For more from Dan Schawbel, listen to the entire show or visit danschawbel.com.

    To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

    Adrienne Leigh, Business Broker & Franchise Expert: What You Need to Know to Be a Successful Franchisee

    Adrienne Leigh imageAn experienced entrepreneur with more than 25 years of business ownership, consulting, and franchise experience, Adrienne Leigh, coaches clients through the due diligence process to ensure that they are a match for a particular business or franchise. Selecting a company or franchise to buy is an art as well as a science, and Adrienne considers both perspectives. She takes much of the guess work out of the equation, and helps reduce the risk. As an astute negotiator, Adrienne enables new franchisees to optimize their investments.

    For more from Adrienne Leigh, listen to the entire show or visit www.frannet.com.

    To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

    Jan Vermeiren, How to REALLY Use LinkedIn

    Jan Vermeiren imageJan Vermeiren, founder of Networking Coach and international bestselling author of How to REALLY use LinkedIn, shares how to effectively utilize LinkedIn to:

    • Get new customers
    • Find a new job
    • Keep in touch with your network
    • Expand your network
    • Discover new suppliers & partnerships.

    With over 45 million profiles, LinkedIn is a networking goldmine – it is like opening your network contacts’ address books! Jan provides step-by-step basic and advanced techniques to optimize your LinkedIn presence. Accelerate the power of networking by applying Jan’s recommendations to enhance your network, advance your career and build your business.

    For more from Jan Vermeiren, listen to the entire show or visit www.networking-coach.com.

    To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

    David Allen: How to Make it All Work

    David Allen imageDavid Allen is an international expert in personal and organizational productivity who has inspired millions. In his bestselling book, Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and the Business of Life, he presents a road map to success, providing bearings to figure out where you are in life and directions for getting to where you want to go. The ultimate benefit of getting things done is to experience the fulfillment and freedom that come with being positively engaged in our lives. If you feel overworked and overwhelmed, learn how to gain control of your work and life within the framework of your own goals! Making It All Work applies to every walk of life, whether you are an executive, student, professional or entrepreneur.

    For more from David Allen, listen to the entire show or visit www.davidco.com.

    To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

    Entrepreneur Jen Groover on Taking Control of Your Career, Life & Destiny

    Jen Groover image With her book What If? and Why Not?: How to Transform Your Fears Into Action and Start the Business of Your Dreams, branding strategist Jen Groover inspires individuals to empower their lives and our culture by beginning with simple questions like, “What if…?” and “Why not…?” An innovator who helps others innovate themselves, Jen engages people to think, be, do and become. She shows people how they can be in control of the messages they send in every aspect of their work and life. Whether stepping up to a new career, building a new business, making your voice heard, or helping someone else overcome a hurdle, Jen shows you how to make a difference.

    For more from Jen Groover, listen to the entire show or visit jengroover.com.

    To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

    Promoting Your Own Success with Executive Coach Bonnie Marcus

    Bonnie Marcus image Bonnie Marcus, an executive coach and motivational speaker, inspires and coaches women to promote themselves and excel in their careers. To gain control of your career advancement, learn:

    • How to create an effective and memorable message to promote yourself and your business
    • The key to feeling more comfortable with self-promotion
    • How to effectively use self-promotion to advance your career.

    We often think of the work world as a jungle. Bonnie teaches us how to explore opportunities in “jungle gym” fashion. Instead of attempting to conquer the new dynamics of the workplace on traditional career ladders, she helps clients seek creative ways to advance.

    For more from Bonnie Marcus, listen to the entire show or visit womenssuccesscoaching.com.

    To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit www.betterjobbetterlife.com for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

    “Yes, You Can!” –Brian Fleming, Purple Heart Recipient

    Brian Fleming image Brian Fleming, a veteran of the Afghanistan war and author of Yes, You Can! Overcome Your Greatest Tragedy, Discover Your Purpose, and Live an Extraordinary Life!, shares his story of being badly burned and overcoming the physical and emotional wounds caused by a bomb explosion in Afghanistan. With many veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, it is a timely message. Brian’s story of struggle, perseverance, courage and hope is one from which we all can benefit. He shares how he is applying the lessons from his traumatic experience to help others.

    For more from Brian Fleming, listen to the entire show or visit bcfleming.com.