Ten Steps to Mastering Job & Career Transitions
Job Search: The Total System™
Proven Techniques for Job Search and Career Transition
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Job Search: The Total System™ is a comprehensive and proven approach to empower people in transition with the necessary tools for securing better offers for better jobs faster than ever before. The book and organizer that make up The Total System™ complement each other and provide long-term reinforcement of The Total System™ winning concepts that create the Cycle of Success: positive thinking, linkage and psychological leverage. Consistent with the concept of linkage, all ten steps in The Total System are linked together to maximize career transition success.
Job Search: The Total System™ delivers benefits immediately, and throughout ones’ career.
“…Just as I was able to transform my challenging circumstances into a better job, for better pay, and enjoy what has been an amazing career, you can also catapult ahead of your competition and achieve a successful career and happy life. “Job Search: The Total System” teaches you how to find a gem of a job; yet like an uncut diamond, it requires a lot of work to realize its value… “ Dave Colvin, Retired International Consultant
“Utilizing the systematic approach to job hunting prescribed in Job Search:The Total System, I gained a marketplace advantage by understanding my strengths identified in the Harrison Assessments career reports, developing an outstanding resume, and mastering networking and interviewing tactics. I now work with a great corporation and have a promising position with fair pay and outstanding potential for the future. Job Search: The Total System and Harrison Career Assessment worked for me. Job Search: The Total System can help anyone achieve their career aspirations!” — Joshua Schrom, New Graduate & Management Trainee
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The Total System™
Ensure Quicker, Smoother Career Transitions
- Job Search: The Total System™ can be completed in just seven days.
- Detailed forms, examples, and steps in the entire process save job seekers time and provide an effective means of implementing their job search in record time.
Improve Marketability
- Helps job seekers develop the best resume, networking, and interviewing skills.
- Equips job seekers with proven negotiation techniques to achieve better jobs for better pay and “close the deal.”
Build Confidence
- The Total System™ instills the confidence required for a successful job search campaign.
- From preparing a resume to negotiating a final offer, The Total System™ helps job seekers master every element of their job search.
To be a strong contender in today’s competitive and global job market, everyone needs solid preparation and a sound game plan. Job Search: The Total System™ provides the resources and techniques to accomplish both! Written by internationally recognized career transition specialists, this ultimate guidebook helps assess career directions; hone essential resume writing, networking, interviewing, and negotiating skills; and teaches how to link each aspect of job search into a coordinated, efficient, high powered campaign. Job Search: The Total System™ provides the vital information required to find the right job in the shortest time, including:
- Sample resumes
- Sample cover letters, and reference letters
- Effective telephone scripting and lead generation
- Answers to the tough interview questions
- Self assessment
- Independent business options
- How to beat the competition
- Negotiating value
Job Search: The Total System™
Originally published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., The Total System™ is now in its fourth edition; over 255 pages with forms and exhibits designed to develop a Personal Marketing Plan; extensive self-assessment; sample cover letters; Sample resumes are also available.
The Personal Marketing Plan forms and other essential electronic forms for organizing and managing one’s job search are essential for successful implementation of the system. They are organized with detailed instructions on how to use over 20 forms effectively. The Organizer is invaluable for managing the job search to achieve maximum results in the shortest time.