Bob Alexander, Educational Consultant, on the Ziglar I CAN Culture Transformation Program

Alexander_IMG_9264Bob Alexander, President of The Alexander Resource Group, is a former teacher, coach and high school administrator who has personally conducted thousands of keynote addresses, workshops, and student assemblies worldwide on success principles and career advancement.  Bob is passionate about teaching the Ziglar I CAN values and attitudes that enable children to succeed.  The Ziglar mantra of encouragement and hope is one that resonates with everyone, especially children!  He shares:

  • The challenge of education;
  • ABC’s of Life…Attitude, Behavior and Character;
  • The Stair Steps to Success;
  • The I CAN success story;
  • Keys to Cultural Transformation.

For more from Bob Alexander, listen to the entire show, visit, and watch this video.

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Leigh Anne & Sean Tuohy, Authors of In a Heartbeat: Sharing the Power of Cheerful Giving, as Portrayed in the Movie The Blind Side

Sean_LeighAnne_HResLeigh Anne and Sean Tuohy are the inspiring couple featured in the Oscar-nominated movie The Blind Side: The Story of Michael Oher.  Authors of In a Heartbeat, they share their extraordinary journey of faith and love with unforgettable lessons about the power of giving. The Tuohys’ deeply inspiring story of a family that makes giving a way of life and the huge blessings that decision has brought to them, demonstrates the ways we can all make a difference in our own communities. Just a few of the lessons in generosity from the Tuohys include:

  • If you can’t give something big, give something small
  • When you receive something, give part of it away
  • Generosity starts at home.

For more from the Tuohys, listen to the entire show Monday, August 16, 2010, at 12pm EST/9am PST.

Allen Clark on Overcoming Adversity

Allen Clark image West Point graduate Allen Clark served in the Vietnam War, and in his new memoir, Wounded Soldier, Healing Warrior, he recounts his triumph over war wounds, physical injuries, devastation and despair. After a successful career in banking, energy and real estate, Clark served as Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs. He now helps wounded and troubled veterans overcome adversity and “be all they can be.” His poignant story is an encouragement to anyone facing personal or career challenges.

For more from Allen Clark, listen to the entire show or visit

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Entrepreneur Jen Groover on Taking Control of Your Career, Life & Destiny

Jen Groover image With her book What If? and Why Not?: How to Transform Your Fears Into Action and Start the Business of Your Dreams, branding strategist Jen Groover inspires individuals to empower their lives and our culture by beginning with simple questions like, “What if…?” and “Why not…?” An innovator who helps others innovate themselves, Jen engages people to think, be, do and become. She shows people how they can be in control of the messages they send in every aspect of their work and life. Whether stepping up to a new career, building a new business, making your voice heard, or helping someone else overcome a hurdle, Jen shows you how to make a difference.

For more from Jen Groover, listen to the entire show or visit

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“Yes, You Can!” –Brian Fleming, Purple Heart Recipient

Brian Fleming image Brian Fleming, a veteran of the Afghanistan war and author of Yes, You Can! Overcome Your Greatest Tragedy, Discover Your Purpose, and Live an Extraordinary Life!, shares his story of being badly burned and overcoming the physical and emotional wounds caused by a bomb explosion in Afghanistan. With many veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, it is a timely message. Brian’s story of struggle, perseverance, courage and hope is one from which we all can benefit. He shares how he is applying the lessons from his traumatic experience to help others.

For more from Brian Fleming, listen to the entire show or visit

Rory Aplanalp, Consultant & Coach, on What it Takes to Win

bioRoryAplanalp182x255Rory Aplanalp, a coach, author and speaker, motivates people to be great. He has spoken to over a million people around the globe, inspiring them to be more proactive in their approach to life at work and at home. Learn to:

  • Use the “model of control” in all areas of life to become proactive, even though the world is reactive
  • Deal with of the two useless emotions of worry and guilt
  • Use the acronym p.l.a.t.e. to develop the habit of being happy
  • Embrace change, not be threatened by it
  • Understand the importance of being a lifelong learner
  • Recognize moments of inspiration and use them to create self empowerment
  • Use the “5 minute rule” as the starting place

For more from Rory Aplanalp, listen to the entire show or visit

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Kevin Saunders, Motivational Author & Speaker On The Power of Transcending Your Limitations

Kevin Saunders image Kevin Saunders, motivational speaker, shares his personal story of triumph after being paralyzed from the chest down. Following a life-threatening accident, Kevin sharpened his body and mind to become a world class athletic competitor. Now he teaches audiences around the world to move forward in spite of their challenges. His nonstop energy and genuine enthusiasm are contagious. His struggle to find new meaning and focus for his life will inspire you to never give up regardless of your personal or career obstacles. Learn the secrets of transforming life’s battles into triumphs to become a winner.

For more from Kevin Saunders, listen to the entire show or visit

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Lt. Colonel Rob Waldo Waldman, Bestselling Author and Speaker

bioWaldoWaldman182x255Lt. Col. Rob “Waldo” Waldman, noted speaker and author of Never Fly Solo, reveals how the same steadfast interdependence demonstrated by wingmen in combat is necessary to transform partnerships with colleagues, co-workers, and friends into collaborative relationships that can help you achieve success. Whether you are a seasoned executive, entrepreneur, or new to the business world, creating a work environment based on mutual support and trust is crucial to success. Waldo encourages everyone to prepare diligently for every mission, face challenges with courage, build meaningful relationships, and maximize individual potential both in business and in life.

For more from Lt. Col. Waldman, listen to the entire show or visit

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Dr. Elizabeth Travis of M.D. Anderson on Women in Medicine & Health Care

Elizabeth Travis image Dr. Elizabeth Travis, Associate Vice President of Women Faculty Programs for M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, is editor of Legends and Legacies: Personal Journeys of Women Physicians and Scientists at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, a collection of essays by leading women faculty who overcame hardships, biases, and self-doubts to pursue their passions. These stories of perseverance and success inspire young women considering careers in science or medicine, and also provide a road map for balancing work and family. Central to each journey were caring mentors who facilitated each essayist’s career development, and taught them how to mentor the next generation of women pursuing careers in science and health care.

For more from Dr. Elizabeth Travis, listen to the entire show or visit

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Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Executive Coach and Author of “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There”

Marshall Goldsmith image

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, preeminent executive coach and author of What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, defines 20 bad habits of leaders and seven steps to change for the better. Whether you are near the top of the ladder or still have room to climb, Marshall offers you essential guidelines to help eliminate your dysfunctions and move to where you want to go. Often our own success delusion stands in our way and causes us to resist change. We hear praise for the things we do well, but we rarely get credit for ceasing to do something badly. Marshall shows you how to go beyond the traditional “To Do” list and work on your “To Stop” list.

For more from Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, listen to the entire show or visit

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Dave Guerra: How to Become a Superperformer

Dave Guerra image

Optimism is essential to maximizing your potential and avoiding a ride on the unemployment train. On “Total Career Success”, Dave Guerra, a business consultant, corporate culture expert and the author of Superperformance, talked about how the right habits, attitude and approach to your job can improve your staying power in the “employed” status by enabling you to become a “superperformer.”

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Find Your Niche and Grow: Career Tips from Geotrace CEO Bill Schrom

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When the economy is not in great shape, the adage seems to be, “Take whatever job you can get.” Right? Wrong. Even in a weak economy you can still pursue your passions and build a successful career. It may seem like there is not a single opportunity to be found, but if you take an interest, set a goal and commit yourself to achieving it, you can actually create opportunities for yourself. Take Bill Schrom as an example.

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Simon Sinek, Author of “Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action”


Entrepreneur Simon Sinek reveals how a leadership edge in business, politics, or any area of life is a matter of re-focusing the mind. In Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, Simon reveals that exceptional leaders and companies share a common bond: they know why they do what they do, and he explains why the “why” matters. It begins with a cause or purpose—the reason that compels leaders to continue striving and inspiring followers to believe and take action. Complete with a framework for launching a product, building a business, or turning an idea into a social movement, Sinek proves that with a little discipline, anyone can learn to inspire.

For more from Simon Sinek, listen to the entire show or visit

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Become a Champion of Change: Insights from Mary Banks

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The global economy seems to have everyone on edge, so in constantly changing and unpredictable times, how can we manage life changes and their accompanying anxieties in order to achieve our personal and career aspirations? Mary Banks, an internationally recognized Executive Coach and Organizational Consultant and guest on “Total Career Success” on VoiceAmerica, offered advice on how to become a champion of change and build a successful career in any economic climate.

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An Innovative New Approach to Overcoming Stress with Bill Crawford, Ph.D.

Dr. Bill Crawford, psychologist, coach, trainer and author of Life from the Top of the Mind, offers a totally unique method of countering the debilitating effects of stress by showing individuals and groups how to use specific parts of the brain to access desired qualities and characteristics. He identifies this approach as shift from using the resistant and reactive brain, where the focus is on blame and resentment, to the receptive brain, where a person can access his/her clarity, confidence and creativity. With this method, you can learn how to:

  • Regain control in any situation;
  • Shift from the using lower 20% of the brain to the upper 80%;
  • Define yourself on purpose in any situation;
  • Bring this more purposeful perspective to all aspects of life.

For more from Dr. Crawford, listen to the entire show or visit

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Kerry Patterson on Communicating and Influencing to Get Results

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Kerry Patterson, author of Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When the Stakes Are High, shows people how to communicate to obtain healthy results: think before speaking, be aware of the context and conditions of a discussion, and maintain respect even when disagreeing. These skills are essential for individual, family, and organizational success. Individuals and groups should learn to:

  • Focus on goals when emotions run strong;
  • Increase awareness of warning signs that a conversation is about to take a turn for the worse;
  • Make it safe to talk about anything;
  • Create healthy dialogue even when scared, angry, frustrated or hurt;
  • Say potentially hurtful things in a way that minimizes defensiveness;
  • Listen effectively when others blow up or clam up;
  • Move from discussing tough issues to taking healthy action

To learn more from Kerry Patterson, listen to the entire show.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Robert Toth, Senior VP of Tri-Star Financial on Staying Above the Financial Fray!

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The steady stream of negative effects from the global economic crisis has quickly become a deluge that is now sweeping across towns and cities nationwide, leaving too many individuals without jobs and too many investors with assets under water. The volatile economy has eroded confidence, as average American consumers do not know where to make sound investments or even how to secure their careers. Yet experts like Robert Toth, a Senior Vice President of Tri-Star Financial and a career success story (he’s been an IT systems analyst, medical doctor, attorney and investment advisor) confirm that with the right knowledge, strategies and commitment you can build secure investments and a strong career for yourself, even during a fierce economic storm.

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Playing to Win with Larry Wilson


Larry Wilson, entrepreneur, organizational consultant and author of the award-winning book, Play to Win, will show you how to go as far as you can with all that you have – at work, at home, and in all your relationships. He shares the tools you need to leave fear behind and choose to grow and thrive in every part of life. You can learn how to quit unproductive thought and behavioral patterns and discover what you really want and how to get it so that you achieve high performance and fulfillment in turbulent times.  By learning to adapt to the changing workplace and economy, anyone can win and live with meaning, passion and purpose.

For more from Larry Wilson, listen to the entire show here or visit Larry’s websites: or

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

Marshall Goldsmith, Bestselling Author of Mojo: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back When You Need It!

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Marshall Goldsmith, executive coach and author of Mojo: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back When You Need It!, will join us on “Total Career Success” on March 22, 2010, to deliver game-changing insights on finding personal momentum that fosters a successful career and a balanced lifestyle. As a leading authority on improving workplace behavior, he empowers people by sharing:

  • The four building blocks of Mojo: Identity, Achievement, Reputation, and Acceptance;
  • The Mojo Toolkit: 11 specific actions that help initiate and implement change;
  • Simple exercises for improving workplace behavior, attitude, and productivity level;
  • Mojo killers and how to turn negativity around;
  • Eight arguments that occur at work and how to avoid them.

For more insights from Marshall Goldsmith, listen to the entire radio show on Monday, March 22, 2010, at 12:00pm EST/9:00am PST or visit Marshall’s website.

To jumpstart your job search and career advancement today, visit for 7 FREE videos that will transform your career.

How to Find the Career for You
Learn how to use information from personal, career and market assessments as leverage in your job search.

With this video, learn how to use information from personal, career and market assessments as leverage in your job search.

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