Tag Archive for: engagement and retention

Sheryl Dawson, Facilitator

Julie Pastrick, Flagstaff Chamber CEO Interviews Sheryl Dawson on the Whole Life Profile

Sheryl Dawson, FacilitatorJulie Pastrick, CEO of Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce interviews Sheryl Dawson, CEO of Dawson Consulting Group, on Chamber Business Insights to discuss the Whole Life Profile assessment and workshop for individuals and couples.  Listen in to learn how you can bring balance to all aspects of your life and work for increased happiness and success.  Sheryl shares her personal story of how the Whole Life Profile has facilitated her wellness journey, business transition, and relocation to Flagstaff.  Julie asks Sheryl how listeners can overcome their challenges, navigate transitions and achieve their own goals for improved relationships and career success.  Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights into your unique “whole life profile” which reveals behavioral strengths, blind spots, and motivators so that you can achieve your physical, financial, psychological/emotional, relational, and spiritual goals for a more fulfilling life! Additional information and registration: www.wlpregister.com

Julie Pastrick, Flagstaff Chamber CEO Interviews Sheryl Dawson on the Whole Life Profile
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Photo of Veronica Delgado

Universal Weather and Aviation: A Culture of Purpose

Keep Your Keepers! A Winning Talent Strategy for 2017 – Part 2

Advance Your Organization’s Success in 2017 – Implement EQ10!

10 Top Talent Strategies that Leverage “Engagement Intelligence”


In part one of Keep Your Keepers we covered fundamentals of integrated talent management and engagement. In part two we present the 10 winning talent strategies for success in any organization.

Extensive research has demonstrated that when organizations invest in the following ten talent management strategies they leverage “Engagement Intelligence” to achieve their business goals and WIN! I call these talent strategies EQ,sup>10:

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Keep Your Keepers! A Winning Talent Strategy for 2017 – Part 1

Build a Foundation of Integrated Talent Management that Drives Engagement!


As we embark on a promising new year, organizations are positioning talent strategies to meet their business goals. Regardless of the industry, achieving alignment of talent goals with business objectives is essential for strategic and organizational success. Foundational to effective talent management is an integrated approach that facilitates engagement. To effectively identify your organization’s top talent management priorities, it is crucial to understand your business strategy. Only then can talent management processes be aligned effectively to that strategy.
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Finally, A Way to Effectively Predict Potential!

A WIN-WIN Strategy for Leadership Development

fairHairedSyndromeOrganizations have been utilizing the 9-box approach to succession planning for many years, yet the challenge of measuring potential is often very subjective and based on who knows whom! Organizations have sought to reduce the impact of the “halo effect” or “fair-haired” syndrome by developing leadership competency models and applying them to the evaluation process. However, the challenge of actually measuring one’s potential relative to competencies generally remains subjective. Finally, there is a behavioral analytics approach that removes the subjectivity of predicting leadership potential. How is it accomplished?
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