University of Phoenix President Dr. Bill Pepicello: How to Educate the Next Generation

Dr. Bill Pepicello image

On February 22, 2010, Dr. Bill Pepicello joined the “Total Career Success” radio show to discuss:

  • Next generation learners and how to educate them, including how only 27% of undergraduates fit the traditional mould of a college student, creating the need for new directions in higher education.
  • Current legislation on higher education, and how it could affect for-profit institutions.
  • How the University of Phoenix’s centralized curriculum model facilitates consistency in learning in the classroom and online.
  • The University of Phoenix’s goal of offering a relevant education to students, alumni and the organizations for which they work, is one of the top goals of the UOP.
  • The University’s new partnership with Total Career Success, Inc. for job search and career development, which will allow University of Phoenix students and alumni to access to proven resources that will teach them to excel in self-marketing.

For more insights from Dr. Bill Pepicello, click here to listen to the entire show.

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