As a college freshman, I’ve always known exactly what I wanted to do in life – work in the medical field. Since there was never any doubt in my mind when I had the opportunity to take the Harrison Career Assessment, I didn’t expect anything other than a generic confirmation of qualities and career choices I already knew I possessed. To my surprise, the Career Assessment went far deeper exposing areas in which I naturally excelled, as well as ones I would have to develop for the career I desired. Beyond the report itself, the debrief with Sheryl Dawson revealed not only my expectations but also how to achieve them! The Career Options Report listed many options across the complex medical field giving me new insight into possible targets at various educational levels; the detailed Career Enjoyment Reports provided specific behavioral profiles for each career option with my overall matching scores. These comprehensive insights are like having a behavioral x-ray and have inspired me to consider my short and long term goals in a more strategic way. Regardless of one’s life phase, I genuinely recommend the Harrison Assessments Career Assessment & Debrief both to those wishing to better prepare for their chosen professions and to others who may be unsure of their best fit or direction.
-–Sedona Stewart
“As a recent graduate looking for an entry-level position, I sought the help from Dawson Consulting Group to strengthen my marketability. I began by reading the book Job Search: The Total System in order to link my resume, cover letter, references, and networking tactics for greater advantage in my job search.
Once I formatted and edited all my job search materials, better known as the career tool kit, I went a step further and completed the Harrison Career Assessment to identify my strengths and potential areas of improvement. The assessment took approximately twenty minutes and was instrumental in helping me pinpoint my career preferences and skill mastery. The assessment survey consists of 17 sets of preferences each of which you rank order. The advantage of this method is that it creates an instinctual approach to each response, thereby identifying careers to which I naturally gravitate. After completing the survey, I logged into the Harrison Career Navigator where I downloaded my Greatest Strengths Report, Career Development Report, and Career Enjoyment Reports. Each of these reports gave me a clear explanation of my greatest competencies and their alignment to various careers and functional roles, based on 175 traits and competencies that the assessment measures.
Since my degree focus is supply chain, which encompasses multiple industry fields such as logistics, purchasing, and distribution, I was able to determine from the Career Enjoyment Reports that logistics was the specific field most compatible with my strengths and likes. In fact, the Career Enjoyment Reports provide very detailed insight regarding fit by ranking career roles in terms of my behavioral preferences that match with the role. For example, among my highest-ranking choices in terms of enjoyment, the role of logistics technician was ranked at an 82.7% fit; a detailed description is included of the career, educational requirements, and the knowledge areas necessary for advancement. The Career Navigator system allowed me to run up to 12 of these detailed analyses. It was amazing to see how my preferences fit the behavioral traits required for enjoyment in each career role selected.
After completing the survey, I logged into the Harrison Career Navigator where I downloaded my Greatest Strengths Report, Career Development Report, and Career Enjoyment Reports. Each of these reports gave me a clear explanation of my greatest competencies and their alignment to various careers and functional roles, based on 175 traits and competencies that the assessment measures. The Career Navigator system allowed me to run up to 10 detailed analyses of fit to specific careers. It was amazing to see how my preferences fit the behavioral traits required for enjoyment in each career role selected. What a confidence builder to see reflected in such detail all your strengths! It is like looking in a mirror and seeing all your greatest features spot lighted.
The advantage of this comprehensive career assessment system is that it helps you see how your preferences match within an industry, career and specific roles. This assessment would be particularly helpful for young students who don’t have a grasp of what career they would like to go into; it explains how their natural preferences and behavioral approach to situations are advantageous to various career choices. It may confirm directions they are considering or reveal new careers they may not have considered. By selecting the educational level they desire, the Career Navigation system narrows the career options for them automatically in the Career Options Report.
In fact, the assessment can act as a compass to both a young student looking to select a career, and a professional wanting to identify how they can further their career by nourishing areas they have mastered and developing others that need more focus. The Career Development Report in particular helps you identify: task preferences, motivations, work environment preferences, interests, and interpersonal preferences for potential development. For me, directions for potential development based on my preferences encompass:
- doing something that helped others (task preferences),
- business / health / animals (interests),
- teamwork / working indoors / avoidance of standing or sitting for long periods (preferred work environment),
- analyzing facts / seeking collaborative input when making decisions, and
- the leadership ability to articulate a vision while building the confidence to motivate others with optimistic authority (interpersonal preferences).
It also pointed out potential areas for improvement which I found very interesting as I am pursuing a new professional role. It helped me realize that there are ways I can expand my capabilities just by improving a few traits and balancing various trait preferences. One example is that while being collaborative in a team setting, I can look for opportunities to take the initiative as well.
In addition, the assessment is ideal for reinforcing areas in which you stand-out or excel. The Greatest Strengths Report helped me see that I can effectively:
- analyze / prevent potential risks,
- manage participation by seeking engagement and consensus,
- organize to maintain order in all situations.
What a confidence builder to see reflected in such detail all your strengths! It is like looking in a mirror and seeing all your greatest features spot lighted. As it relates to my job search, I have found this report tremendously helpful for drafting my resume and preparing answers to interview questions; I could confidently speak about the skills and competencies that make me a favorable candidate for any given position.
The careers are identified by educational level so depending on a person’s aspirations to pursue higher education or less schooling, it truly is a great tool to identify the best career fit and determine the direction you should go to succeed. I highly recommend it as a personal growth tool and to determine the best educational concentration or degree program based on career fit. As I pursue my career it is encouraging that the assessment confirmed precisely my career passions, my strengths, as well as areas in which I can develop as I advance my career. I am grateful for the opportunity to experience Harrison Career Navigator.”
— Sinai Tirado
“A casualty of the oil & gas downturn, as a new graduate I found myself unemployed, desperate, unhappy, and to be quite frank, lost. I had no idea how to approach today’s job market. Fortunately, I was introduced to Job Search: The Total System and Harrison Assessments’ Career Navigation System. Coupled with the empowering mentorship of Sheryl Dawson, these proven and extensive resources put me on a self-discovery journey that transformed my marketability and ultimately led to a new career. I felt infused with a new passion, confidence, and sense of can-do motivation that are essential attributes in a competitive job market. Utilizing the systematic approach to job hunting prescribed in The Total System, I gained a marketplace advantage by understanding my strengths identified in the Harrison Assessments career reports, developing an outstanding resume, and mastering networking and interviewing tactics. Throughout our communications, I was struck by the authenticity with which Sheryl as co-author, tenaciously demonstrated the principles of The Total System. Through her encouragement, I was convinced to do the same.”
“I now work with a great corporation and have a promising position with fair pay and outstanding potential for the future. Job Search: The Total System and Harrison Career Assessment worked for me, and given the Dawsons’ 25-year track record it will work for anyone committed to an integrated job search. Rather than insurmountable, my job loss in the midst of a discouraging job market was an opportunity to up my game! I learned that any career challenge can be overcome with determination and a strategic approach to self-marketing that builds on strengths. I am deeply grateful that at the very start of my professional career, I have learned an invaluable lesson that I plan to apply throughout my career. Job Search: The Total System can help anyone achieve their career aspirations!”
— Joshua Schrom, New Graduate & Management Trainee
“Having used a number of career assessments to assist students in the career choice decision process, we found that most career assessments only measure a limited number of interests and skills. When introduced to Harrison Assessments, I was excited to find a system that measures 175 behavioral traits, values and workplace preferences! After using Harrison’s Career Navigation System (CNS) with students for a couple of years, we are receiving very positive feedback from students, as well as career advisors who counsel students in their academic and career choices. What is truly encouraging is that Harrison Assessments is surprisingly accurate and fills the gap in the vital area of effective career assessment.
It is interesting that there are often surprises as students evaluate specific fit with the Harrison’s detailed Career Enjoyment or career success templates. Viewing the specific behavioral traits that support enjoyment in a variety of careers is invaluable to students as they research their options. It helps them select a degree program not only appropriate for immediate academic success, but also for their long term career success. Beyond ensuring career satisfaction, the CNS minimizes the chances of investing in degree programs that are not behaviorally suitable!
I heartily recommend Harrison Assessments Career Navigation System for all levels of educational institutions. The earlier students understand their best career fit, the sooner they can embark on an educational journey that will engage their minds and hearts for a successful academic and career future.”
–Patricia Parish
Careers Education Consultant
Western Sydney University