Selected Leadership Development Programs

Quality Tubing – NOV is better prepared for its projected growth as a result of the valuable assessment, coaching, team facilitation and leadership training provided by Dawson Consulting Group. The depth of capabilities Dawson Consulting Group offers is coupled with sensitivity to the needs and expectations of the client. The results were excellent. Managers gained insight into their performance development as well as techniques to improve their supervisory teams. Both seasoned and new leaders gained leadership competencies.

~ President, NOV – Quality Tubing

Read additional references here.

Leadership For Results Seminars

Employees, customers and stockholders look to an organization’s leaders to get results. Stockholders want profits, customers want quality at the lowest price, and employees want vision, purpose, direction, opportunity for growth, and a sense that they are a valued part of an organization whose product or service is valued in the marketplace.

More than ever meeting those demands requires leaders who are prepared, confident and skilled! Leadership for Results is a training and coaching program that accelerates the development of supervisors and managers, preparing them to get results through improved performance and by learning to adapt in a dynamic and competitive marketplace. Leadership competencies are presented in a practical, hands-on learning environment that engages and challenges participants.

Executive Coaching

Dawson Consulting Group coaches individual managers on performance-related issues to achieve maximum personal effectiveness. Personal effectiveness as a manager leads to effective organizations, through performance driven coaching. By blending coaching with other training and development interventions, Dawson Consulting Group employs the talents of their best practices coaching team to address the needs of both individual executives and the organization.

See the article, “Top Gun Retention: Practices for Protecting Your Most Precious Investment”.

Performance Management

Performance management is essential to successful long-term leadership and talent development. Both consulting services and training modules are provided for the development of a performance management system integrated with succession planning, career development, compensation and rewards. Teaching managers to coach enables leaders to facilitate individual and team skill development and performance improvement. This critical skill has a significant impact on engagement and retention.

Custom Training Modules

Dawson Consulting Group customizes training to fill skill gaps in individual performers, supervisors, managers, executives and teams. Each model or workshop is customized for the organization to ensure maximum impact on performance and retention. A blended assessment and development program delivered in a series of workshops with follow up coaching enables employees at all levels to take responsibility for their own career development and performance improvement.